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  1. Update: it worked! This is what i've tried. I have create a Ubuntu Lts virtual machine changed the ram settngs in the techniclaunher(in ubuntu it is working) copied the .technic directory to my SteamOS vm and now it's working. Thanks for every who have helped me. This messag have I posted for the reason maybe people that get's the same problem. In summary this is how you must do it: configure the techniclauncher in Ubuntu LTS copy the .technic directory to your linux distribution in /home/desktop/ and happy playing with higher ram settings. Once again thanks for everyone who have helped me.
  2. Okay, thank you very much for answerring me.
  3. Thank you for answerring. Yes I know my setup is a bit obscure. But the reason I've that setup is only for testing the possibilities with SteamOS 2.0, but now about the settings.json file. I've looked in the settings.json file and yes there are settings for Java, but I can't find anything about the ram settings. Can I do something next? Or can I try to setup the TechnicLauncher on a newer LinuxOS, try to acces the settings and then copy the .technic folder to my STeamOS vm?
  4. Hello, I have installed a modpack and now I want to change the ram settings in the launcher optons. But when I'm clicking on 'launcher options', the Technic Launcher get's grey and I can't click anything on it (I must kill it to close). I can't find in the log a crash and there aren't any crash logs. And I'm using Java 64 bit. I know I'm on a outdated debian distribution: SteamOS 2.0 (debian jessie (8)). But I can still launch a modpack (and I can use the normal minecraft launcher), but only with 1 gb ram. This are my specs: SteamOS brewmaster (debian Jessie), Java runtime 8 (Java 1.8.0_261-b21). I don't know if this is usefull, but I'm running the technic launcher on SteamOS with a 4gb ram Hyper V VM, and a lvvm pipe GPU (because I'm using Hyper V Windows 10) Can someone help me?.
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