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Everything posted by Anonihilator

  1. Anywhere, really. I keep mine just outside the main facility and run pipes through the floor and walls to get the obsidian to where its gotta go. Could easily be outside (I do not suggest this, in case of ogres) Just remember to use pumpkins or glowstone to light it up for maximum efficiency.
  2. This is true, i was however, merely pointing out something that worked better, for I for one, use all my diamonds to charge Klein stars.
  3. ^nononononono. You dont need to burn diamonds at all, just use the flowers i (think) i took a picture of. If not, here is a diagram. C = Condenser X = Anti matter relay B = Energy collector B BXB BXCXB BXB B Put more collectors on top of the AM relays. I use 2 of these producing obsidian to power my creator, these are all MK1's btw, going to see if i can reduce the amount of flowers to one by upgradin em.
  4. For the duplicators, just hit the arrow above where you put the items, it will put it on a loop. I have pictures of the obsidian automation in an above post. Ill update the OP with the new design.
  5. Sorry for double post, but... ITS FINALLY COMPLETED! WOO! I DO NOT have a diamond/day count (somnia keeps crashing) but I do know once it gets up and running, it doesnt take long to pump out whole stacks of diamonds. No video yet, but a bunch of pictures showing the inner workings: http://imageshack.us/g/338/titleup.png/ Advantages over previously posted system: HUGELY increased output %100 safe (ive had it running for days, not a single error which caused any damage, no errors at all actually) Built in overflow protection (You DO have to activate the pipe, until i figure out how to utilize redstone with iron pipes correctly) Protected from thaumic slimes Integrated ability to convert diamonds straight into EMC, which can be used to charge a klein star.
  6. ALL THE DIAMONDS IN THE UNIVERSE, Teeny little picture. Sounds pretty interesting however. PROGRESS REPORT! Currently rebuilding the entire thing from scratch, its turning out to be a bit more expensive then I wanted (it uses *alot* of wireless receivers/transmitters), all i need to do is finish up the safeties mechanisms, then make pipes for the duplicators. Currently using ~30 duplicators, powered by ~8 Crucible of eyes, powered by 2 strictly obsidian producing flowers. Will provide a video tutorial/demonstration when it is complete. Just a note, you will need a rather large space. @Raymain Quite elegant, was the cake necessary, however?
  7. Well, if its a nuclear reactor. It's definitely a mark 4 xD. @DemonCrusher36 After i finish the upgrades to prevent the world from being destroyed as a result, I will make a video tutorial. EDIT: Oh great, looks like the game didnt want me putting on red matter armor. Hopefully I have a somewhat recent backup...
  8. You should see my house. Its %99 Diamonds and thaumcraft. Just made a new setup, in about a day it produced.. about 326 diamonds? Converting that *all* to EMC, its roughly 2,965,504 if my math is correct, thats roughly 15 red matter, per day, per setup. Oh, and you dont have to do anything at all, itll produce everything itself. ON THE FLIP SIDE Its retardedly dangerous, the crucibles keep slightly overflowing, but ive had 2 "melt downs" resulting in the lose of a few duplicators, and having to eradicate some thaumic slimes. Will try to increase safety factor.
  9. Using timers is an interesting idea, slime balls as well. Thing with slime balls however, is im not sure HOW effectively they'd keep up with the pace with this new setup ive got in my head, using 16 duplicators and 2-4 crucibles. @Draz, Didn't think of using RedPower pipes, but I will try. TO THE THAUMCAVE!
  10. Well, I use diamonds *alot*, I burn them in AM relays in order to power my Klein star, thus even while it seems "unnecessary", having the increase in production does help substantially. I'm going to try my hand at adding a couple more flowers, and seeing if i cant get Buildcraft to mesh with this project.
  11. its MUCH faster it seems, to create obsidian, burn it into vis, then duplicate it then create a new diamond with a condenser. Besides, wouldn't it be lame if it was just a flower?
  12. Re: Automated obsidian to diamond creator. Ah hah! I have DONE IT! Through the powers of MAD alchemy skills, combined with burning excessive (>100!) diamonds. I have created a fully automated, self replenishing diamond creation setup! Flower itself: Piping: Overall view: This thing probably has the highest sheer return on investment possible. The flower generates roughly 32 EMC+/s, it actually makes obsidian so fast, i had to add a second engine to prevent the chest from overfilling. While I could use Mark3 relays (All of this is mark 1 stuff, btw) it increase the output so substantially, it very quickly fill the Vis crucible, moreso then it could use in that time period, and generating excess obsidian. In the mean time as well, i've been experimenting with something that heavily uses Buildcraft and IC2, would anyone like to see it? (it involves chests, macerators, and loadsa piping)
  13. Re: Automated obsidian to diamond creator. @Creepig Thanks for the link! Well, this is supposed to be a early game, quick thing to build to provide you with a very easy source of diamonds. I can generally get one of these up in ~45 minutes from a new world. While I COULD add condensers and relays, that take a bit more effort then I want to spend right now. Experimenting with some upgrades, will report back with pictures.
  14. TOTALLY NEW DESIGN! I DO NOT have a diamond/day count (somnia keeps crashing) but I do know once it gets up and running, it doesnt take long to pump out whole stacks of diamonds. No video yet, but a bunch of pictures showing the inner workings: http://imageshack.us/g/338/titleup.png/ Advantages over previously posted system: HUGELY increased output %100 safe (ive had it running for days, not a single error which caused any damage, no errors at all actually) Built in overflow protection (You DO have to activate the pipe, until i figure out how to utilize redstone with iron pipes correctly) Protected from thaumic slimes Integrated ability to convert diamonds straight into EMC, which can be used to charge a klein star.
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