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Everything posted by Hyp3rSqu1d

  1. So im making a custom modpack for my friends and i was following this guide https://technicpack.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204199345-How-to-make-a-Minecraft-modpack to make it. i thought i was doing it right but when i dowloaded the modpack on the technic launcher and ran it forge didnt load and it was just vanilla 1.12.2 Here are my modpack files. https://www.dropbox.com/s/btx64t3s13a2uu4/Hyp3rPack.zip?dl=1
  2. Im trying to make a modpack for me and my friends and i have compressed the files and uploaded them to my dropbox and pasted the link in the modpack editor. but when i try to download the pack on the technic launcher it tells me Modpack failed to download please consult modpack author. here are my modpack files. https://www.dropbox.com/s/skmzmr4pzxmwlou/Hyp3rPack.zip?dl=1
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