Age -22
Have you ever been banned? Why? No
Experience with Tekkit? Been playing Tekkit for ~month or so.
Why do you want on the server? I find Tekkit to be quite an interesting and fun mod pack, so decided to join.
IGN -mrDeo
Age -22
Have you ever been banned? Why? No
Experience with Tekkit? Been playing for a while.
Why do you want on the server? Have some fun with friends, build something intreresting.
IGN -Rayens
Age -20
Have you ever been banned? Why? No
Experience with Tekkit? Have played with my friends above, so month or so.
Why do you want on the server? Mainly to have some fun, make something and kill some time building interesting stuff.
Hope you don't mind that i (SLIPLV) put all of us in same application, but if we get accepted we want it to be all of us, server we were playing on before shut down, so we're searching for a new one to join.