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About schrolock

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

schrolock's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. when will it be on? i have seen this server 3 times as edited in the 1 place of open servers. but everytime i add it it is offline. i also tried it over 5 weeks. it was less then 1 hour online but i cant join. getting end of stream when logging in
  2. the spawn will cause some lags but the world outside the spawn is completely lag free
  3. Ingame name: schrolock How would you moderate the server? i dont clearly know what you mean with this question but i will be fair and always try tofind a way thats good for everyone. but if i see anyone is breaking the rules i will be strict and wont let him/her go without punishment. What is your experience as a moderator?i where mod on 3 different servers and got admin on all 3 in 1-4 days. actually me and my cousin are having an own tekkit server so i am co-owner but its not that popular that i have to do much. Why do you want to be a moderator? cuase i like tekkit and i am happy to help keep servers up/help to organize the ingame What Timezone are you in? GMT+1 (Germany)
  4. hey i am searching for an adventuremap for tekkit for min. 2 players which work together or against. i have searched a lot and find some but some where silly some for only singleplayer and the rest has broken links. so it would be nice if you can give me one for 2 players with a working link
  5. download isn't working
  6. below the overworld (nether)
  7. i am not sure cause i havent tried it yet but try to place an dimensional anschor in the overworld and a telepipe below. please say if it has worked
  8. hey i downloaded a new tekkit server ( 3.1.2 ) and added some plugins. if i start it everything works. but if i move my console is nonstop spitting out crap! and if i use any command ( no matter which ) i get kicked with the text "Internal Server Error". i have the newest builds for all plugins ( all 1.2.5 ) here is the server so you can see yourself! https://rapidshare.com/#!download|462|1892905093|Tekkit Server.rar|23802
  9. In game name: schrolock Age: 15 Country: Germany Why should we hire you: learning fast, good with commands ( if not give me half an hour and i get it ) strict, fair and happy if i can help Previous Experience: got moderator status on 4 servers. on every server 3-4 days to get trusted moderator and about 7-8 days to get admin. owned 3 servers ( just one is still online [forgot to make some advertising] ) and built more than 7 servers.i know many plugins like PermissionsEX, IConomy, Essentials, Falsebook, Elevator, Multiverse, ... whith commands. speak german english and a bit french. hope i will be added
  10. hey. i am a big fan of tekkit but i am sad that computercraft and buildcraft were removed. so i know that redpower 2 already have computers but i hate FORTH because i think LUA is easier to learn. so i would know if there is a way to add it it will be fine to know
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