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Posts posted by Zuthilios

  1. When you say sticky button you mean you press it once and it doesn't pop back out? Because that is weirrrddd.

    Yea, it only pops back out after I destroy the button, restart the server or after a couple of minutes but it will only get stuck to begin with if someone is actually teleported, no teleport = no stick.

    Since its the exact same set up as my other ones, I can only thing theres something really dumb that I've missed even though I've checked it 10 times over or that it has something to do with the massive distance being traveled.

    Otherwise, the only option will be to make both teleporters 1 way to similar locations.

  2. Your problem is the MFSU is giving off a signal. Presumably because it is full on power.

    Thank me later.

    So a redstone signal is coming out of the mfsu into the teleporter into the wiring and powering the circuit to overload the button? This doesn't explain why the other one works and this exact same one doesn't, and if I had to use up all the power in a teleport that would suggest teleporters are only 1 way since one would always generate power faster than the other. :/

    Tried moving the mfsu and tried it at night with mfsu at low power, still sticking.

    Any other suggestions you have will probably help lead to an answer, so thanks so far. =)

  3. Update: The problem seems to have something to do with the distance traveled. I tried a short teleport link and the button doesn't get stuck, then a teleport link of 500m in 2 opposite directions and the same button gets stuck.

    If you press the button when no one is near to be teleported then the button doesn't get stuck.


    I'm scratching my head trying to figure this one out. I have almost the exact same set up with most of my teleporters, but on this one the buttons seem to keep getting stuck down. Logging out and in fixes it but then so does destroying the button.

    The first picture is of the stuck teleporter, the destination is roughly 500m away to another teleporter that doesn't seem to get stuck also gets it's button stuck trying to come back.

    The second picture is a teleporter right above the one having difficulties, its destination is only about 50m away but both are exactly the same as far as I can see, but this one doesn't get stuck.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this and for any support.



    Note: I have tried changing the set up multiple times but the buttons keep getting stuck, the reason I don't want to use pressure plates is because there's not really any way to get out of the pod without standing on the pressure plate again and sending you back without making it look awkward and having to use additional redpower tools.

  4. Why are you using vanilla redstone t-flipflops?

    Because I'm a lot more accustomed to basic redstone wiring, especially with creations I've already made. The redpower flipflop did however work thank you, although the problem with torches still exists on a bunch of other things I'm trying to create, Ill just have to work my way around it I suppose with the other red power tools.

    Have you tried putting this setup in a different chunk?

    Not the same creation, but the same problem with the torches not responding to signals does still occur in different chunks yes.

  5. Launcher/pack Version: Tekkit 3.0.3 Server

    Operating System: Windows 7

    Description of Problem: I'm not sure if I missed an update or what, but my redstone torches don't seem to behaving properly. I did a search for 'redstone torches' and found nothing so looks like this is probably going to be my fault. Basically whenever I put a torch on a block and send power to it, it will react and turn off, but changing the signal a second time or any other after gives no reaction.

    The follow pictures are of what Im struggling to build at the moment, a 3x3 spiral door which I have created 4 times previously with success. The setup shown is using a T-flipflop connected to pressure plates on either side of the door, the main problem is the redstone torch sitting a bit to the left of pictures 1 and 2 with a repeater powering the block it's sitting on and showing no reaction.

    Along with this I've also still had the problem of my magnetizers reacting once upon being built and never again after the first unless I manually right click on the magnetizer multiple times.

    And on one last note, a problem I didn't report before as I worked around it was that an area I had redstone and redstone repeaters on was blown up by an overheated combustion engine, after replacing the repeaters they continued to stay powered with no visible power supply, but if moved one block in any direction except into that of another previous repeater they would not be powered and behaved correctly.

    Thanks for taking the time to read this and especially to any advice/help.





  6. I'm currently playing a test world on 3.0.3 and for some reason I have no sound for any of the basics like walking, destroying a block, mining and even the title screen button sounds. Some machines however still make sounds like the macerator and if I use a Swiftwolf's Rendering Gale then the sound gets burst out over and over and over and over when I activate it until I drop the item.

    I also have no basic sounds when reverting back to previous versions but the SRG doesn't loop its sound.

    Anyone able to help me in this matter?


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