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Everything posted by ssgtmccrae

  1. Welcome to RPMGaming's BadWolf Pack Server! Server Address: minecraft.rpmgaming.com PACK ADDRESS (Add this to launcher) -- http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/badwolf-pack (Note if your having trouble with this link, right click and hit copy link address) Note before running the modpack you MUST use 2 GB for techniclauncher and increase permgen size to atleast 256 MB as seen [HERE] Modpack Page -- http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/badwolf-pack.2432 Teamspeak: aux.rpmgaming.com pw: eastbay A list of mods can be found [HERE]. This includes: --GalactiCraft --Big Reactors --Mekanism --ThermalExpansion --Hardcore Ender Expantion --Farlander's Mod --Mystcraft --Archimedes Ships --TwilightForest --Thaumcraft --Ars Magicka --Much, Much More In your launcher, click "Add New Pack", paste in the Platform URL given after clicking the link above. We are a FRIENDLY server community of MineCraft players who enjoy Survival Mode as a group. We aim to gather friends on our server in order to explore, build, survive and have fun together while using the new and complex technologies our modpack provides. This server is now an OPEN server. 4 things we recommend to stay safe: -As soon as it is updated, MFFS will be installed which is WAY more than capable of keeping your thing protected. -Use secure storage from thermal expansion or other mods. -DONT BUILD NEAR SPAWN. YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF A TARGET. If you need, a staff member will be more than willing to tp you out a couple thousand blocks from spawn and give you a bed (once) -SecretRooms mod is installed, It's great for making secret vaults and hiding your stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR RULES: 1.NO Griefing: This is when we feel that pvp is getting out of hand or a group of people is ganging up on rather new/ unprepared/ or peaceful players for the sole purpose of being cruel. -THIS IS FULLY UP TO THE DISCRETION OF THE STAFF AND COULD RESULT IN EITHER A PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY BAN. 2. PVP is niether encouraged or prohibited. It comes with consequences and will result in a ban if it becomes a violation of rule 1. (At the discretion of Admin involved.) (We will only severely punish the Aggressor if the attacked reports it) -If you want a guarantee you won't be banned for "Warcrimes" whisper a staff memebr or ask the person first. You will usually get a yes 3. NO cheating. (If temporarily given creative and privilege is abused, you will be teleported to remote location and your house will be decimated) -I'll warn you now, we are a pretty loose staff, but we tend to get on people more for cheating than anything. We all play by the same rules (staff included) so please respect that. We enjoy you guys play with us and if you reach endgame because of a cheat, you'll leave (and everyone does) because you bored => We get lonely => Sadness for all.
  2. --Changes for 4.6.1-- --Updated SecretRooms --Updated Mekanism --Updated Modular Powersuits --Updated Thaumcraft 4 --Updated Balkons Weapon Mod --Updated BSPKRS Core --Updated TreeCapitator --Updated Calclavias Mods --Updated ChickenBones Mods --Updated Hardcore Ender Expansion --Updated Railcraft --Updated Big Reactors --Updated Tinker Construct --Updated Galacticraft --Updated OpenBlocks --Updated EE3 --Updated Opis --Updated Damage Indicators --Updated Forestry --Updated Buildcraft --Updated Biomes O' Plenty --Updated ComputerCraft --Updated JourneyMap --Added EnderIO --Thanks guys for playing -RPM
  3. -4.5.08 –Updated Mekanism –Updated Applied Energistics –Updated ModularPowersuits –Updated TwilightForest –Updated Calclavia’s Core, Resonant Engine, and MFFS –Updated NEI, EnderStorage, and CCC <–Reverted in 4.5.09 –Updated Railcraft –Updated IronChests –Updated Projekt Red –Updated Big Reactors –Updated Tinkers Construct –Updated Galacticraft –Updated Openblocks –Updated Carpenters Block –Updated MagicBees –Updated Bibliocraft –Updated EE3 –Updated Waila –Updated Forestry –Updated Buildcraft –Updated Pnuematicraft –Updated NEIPlugins –Updated Iguana’s Tinkers Tweaks –Added Chicken Chunks –Added Wireless Redstone CBE –Added Computercraft/ Removed Open Computers –Added Thaumic Energistics Hope you guys like the changes –RPM
  4. Pack has been updated -4.5.06 –Updated Applied Energistics –Updated Twilight Forest –Updated UE Core –Updated MFFS –Updated Resonant Engine –Updated NEI –Updated CCC –Updated EnderStorage –Updated Railcraft –Updated IronChests –Updated QuarryPlus –Updated Projekt Red –Updated Carpenters Blocks –Updated MagicBees –Updated Bibliocraft –Updated EE3 –Updated Forestry –Updated Buildcraft –Updated Biomes O Plenty –Updated Steve’s Carts –Updated OpenComputers –Updated WAILA –Added NEI Plugins –Added ExtraCells
  5. Hey guys, Had an issue with one of the mods and Java 8 (used server side), fixed and the pack is now updated. Also decided to add a new toys. Details as follow. -4.5.05 –UpdatedApplied Energistics –Updated Thaumic Tinkerer –Updated Mekanism(All) –Added Dragon Mounts –Added Calclavia’s RE-Core, UE-Core, and MFFS –Added Thaumcraft Mob Aspects –Added Iguanas Tinkers Tweaks+ Have Fun, –SSgtMcCrae
  6. Hey Guys, –Super Important– We have swapped server to allow for a dedicated IP so we can bring back DynMap for server use (Soon®) THE NEW ADDRESS: minecraft.rpmgaming.com NO PORT AT THE END (AKA DEFAULT PORT) Have Fun -SSgtMcCrae
  7. Cake – I have absolutely NO IDEA why you need biome compasses to bake a cake, however this is a REALLY wierd bug, most likely an Item ID conflict so I will try to see what I can do in the next update. Warded blocks missing? – Actually they aren’t missing they have been replaced the new warded wand focus. This allows you to make in block(s) it is used on invulnerable until that wand is used on them again (by you) or an op removes them. This is along with the warded doors and pressure plates are great privacy mechanics and I encourage strongly to anyone looking for said mechanics. Also this weekend we will be having a spawn city building party to create a new area for new players to spawn in at. Myself and the other admins will be leading this on friday and /or saturday so stay tuned for the gritty details. See you ingame –SSgtMcCrae
  8. Couple Changes over the last couple days: Massive Update: --Thaumcraft --Secret Rooms --Applied Energistics --Mekanism --NEI --CodeChicken Core --Ender Storage --Projekt Red --Big Reactors --Natura --TinkersConstruct --OpenBlocks --Carpenters Blocks --ObsidiPlates --MagicBees (Readded) --EE3 (Readded) --Thaumic Tinkerer (Kami now enabled ) --MFR --NetherOres (Readded) --Waila --Opis (Readded to server not installed clientside) --Forestry --ExtraBees aka Binnies Mods (Readded) --Biomes O' Plenty --Thermal Expansion --Redstone Arsenal --CofhCore --NeiAddons --Pneumaticraft Also added a permissions system, basic teleport permissions for /spawn and /home Lastly we have added a way for people to donate to the server to keep it running. It has a cap though so that we never take more than we need, we appreciate you guys helping out but only want to keep the server running, not make a profit. So some plans for the future, --Put up Dynmap (< 3 Days) --Bring back Calclavia's Mods Have fun --ssgtmccrae of RPM Gaming
  9. Hey Guys, After some extreme issues with our host, we switched hosts and our new address is minecraft.rpmgaming.com:26606 Hope to see you on, --RPM
  10. Update: Brought back Thaumcraft and Thaumic Tinkerer -RPM :)
  11. Away from the Holywar that is Linux OS choices, I assume you are using modded therefore i highly recommend cauldron (formerly MCPC+) as your new server jar, it will allow you to run Bukkit plugins as well as forge mods. For the plugins here is some of my recommendations, Multiverse 2 for world management, Its a bit of a a pain in the butt to learn to use when you have mods like mystcraft installed, but once its setup isnt too bad. Essentials for basic commands, signs, and commerce system. I've used and sworn by this mod for 2+ years and it has never failed me. McMyAdmin as a admin console for managing your server outside of config files, makes server management so much less of a pain, and worth 10 times its purchase cost easy. PermissionsEx as a permissions system, works well with multiworld systems, and well built. That's my recommendation --ssgtmccrae
  12. Are you completely sure you have the proper bit-version of java (32bit vs 64bit) for your computer. If you have a 64 bit machine and 32 bit java Nothing minecraft will work You can find it here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jre7-downloads-1880261.html
  13. Welcome to RPMGaming's BadWolf Pack Server! Server Address: minecraft.rpmgaming.com PACK ADDRESS (Add this to launcher) -- http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/badwolf-pack (Note if your having trouble with this link, right click and hit copy link address) Modpack Page -- http://www.technicpack.net/modpack/details/badwolf-pack.2432 Teamspeak: [Click Here] or aux.rpmgaming.com pw: eastbay We are running the BadWolf Modpack. A list of mods can be found here. This includes: --GalactiCraft --Big Reactors --Mekanism --ThermalExpansion --Hardcore Ender Expantion --Farlander's Mod --Mystcraft --Archimedes Ships --Much, Much More In your launcher, click "Add New Pack", paste in the Platform URL given after clicking the link above. We are a FRIENDLY server community of MineCraft players who enjoy Survival Mode as a group. We aim to gather friends on our server in order to explore, build, survive and have fun together while using the new and complex technologies our modpack provides. This server is now an OPEN server. 4 things we recommend to stay safe: -As soon as it is updated, MFFS will be installed which is WAY more than capable of keeping your thing protected. -Use secure storage from thermal expansion or other mods. -DONT BUILD NEAR SPAWN. YOU ARE MAKING YOURSELF A TARGET. If you need, a staff member will be more than willing to tp you out a couple thousand blocks from spawn and give you a bed (once) -SecretRooms mod is installed, It's great for making secret vaults and hiding your stuff. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR RULES: 1.NO Griefing: This is when we feel that pvp is getting out of hand or a group of people is ganging up on rather new/ unprepared/ or peaceful players for the sole purpose of being cruel. -THIS IS FULLY UP TO THE DISCRETION OF THE STAFF AND COULD RESULT IN EITHER A PERMANENT OR TEMPORARY BAN. 2. PVP is niether encouraged or prohibited. It comes with consequences and will result in a ban if it becomes a violation of rule 1. (At the discretion of Admin involved.) (We will only severely punish the Aggressor if the attacked reports it) -If you want a guarantee you won't be banned for "Warcrimes" whisper a staff memebr or ask the person first. You will usually get a yes 3. NO cheating. (If temporarily given creative and privilege is abused, you will be teleported to remote location and your house will be decimated) -I'll warn you now, we are a pretty loose staff, but we tend to get on people more for cheating than anything. We all play by the same rules (staff included) so please respect that. We enjoy you guys play with us and if you reach endgame because of a cheat, you'll leave (and everyone does) because you bored => We get lonely => Sadness for all.
  14. Nope still alive and kicking, though some drastic changes have taken place. Check RPM-Gaming.com for more details.
  15. --ModPack Link-- http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/badwolf-pack --Server Address-- MC.RPM-Gaming.com --Website-- RPM-Gaming.com Here at RPM-Gaming, We play a highly modded version of the game Minecraft. Our Private ModPack, The BadWolf Pack, is a hybrid of the popular Feed the Beast and Tekkit-Lite ModPacks. By building our own custom pack we are able to customize to our survival server’s wants and needs. What else makes our server unique? Unlike most servers we are actually running Bukkit as well as forge. This means that in addition to running special mods like Railcraft and IndustrialCraft we can also add plugins to help us manage the server, such as Economy plugins and plugins to add multiple worlds. We also try our hardest to make sure you have a fun and grieferless environment to allow imagination run wild. --Check Out our Full Mods / Authors list [Here]-- Some of our prominent Mods: TwilightForest Balkons ComputerCraft BuildCraft IndustrialCraft EE3 Mystcraft RailCraft Mo' Creatures Thaumcraft3 RedPower2 Forestry Flans (Coming Soon) Much Much More --Rules-- 1) NO Griefing / Stealing / Unfriendly PVP 2) Behave and act responsible in Global chat 3) No infinite energy machines on the survival server (anything that generates something from nothing eg. blaze powder generator.) 4) Quarries must be built atleast 2500 blocks from spawn. 5) Remember you share this server with everyone else so have fun --Plugins-- MobArena CoreProtect Essentials Pex BuyCraft (For OPTIONAL dontations) CommandSigns WorldGuard
  16. Last night we updated the modpack, adding 2 new mods: MystCraft by XCompWoz ChickenChunks by ChickenBones The only portion of chicken chunks that has been modified is each loader is limited to 9 chunks and they only work while you are logged in. Also every person will be limited to owning 1 chunk loader only. Mystcraft on the other hand….. is a mystery and I won’t spoil the secrets. 1 Warning…… IF YOU GET STUCK IT IS YOUR OWN FAULT AND NEITHER THE STAFF OR I WILL BE HELPING YOU, YOU WILL HAVE TO DIE!!!!! Have Fun --RPM
  17. Well We've done it. We are no longer running Tekkit-Lite but a highly modified version built exclusively for our server called the BadWolf Pack, including mods like Forestry, Railcraft, Twilight Forest, Thaumcraft 3, Mo' Creatures, and much more, along with all the mods o Tekkit-Lite updated. Feel Free to visit our website RPM-Gaming.com for all the details. Have Fun and thanks for all the fish, --RPM
  18. Thanks for the help, definitely looking forward to the new launcher system.
  19. Hey, Noticed earlier that the details on the Tekkit-Lite ModPack were missing from the Tekkit-lite main page: http://www.technicpack.net/tekkit-lite/ along with the current and recommended version numbers. Was wondering if this was just low on the priority list of things to fix or perhaps this is the first signs of the project being discontinued?
  20. Any chance i can get a bit more info on the Linux part of that such as OS branch, IpTables settings (If Any) and anything you may of changed? Also did you set up port forwarding on the router?
  21. Worth Mentioning, we now have a Teamspeak 3 server, located at -- voice.rpm-gaming.com:9200 Any questions feel free to email [email protected] --RPM Gaming Crew
  22. Hey guys A couple cool things happened this week: We are continuing construction on Labrynth and it should be in an alpha ready stage within 2 weeks We added Forestry, Extra Bees, and Thaumic Bees to the mod mix. The Mob_Arena is now public and fully functional. Thanks and Have Fun, --RPM
  23. Some really awesome changes were made today: Added Forestry and Extra Bees The MobArena is now Fully functional Looking forward to seeing how you guys use our new mods. Have Fun, --Rpm
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