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Everything posted by Azuribahn

  1. Age:23 IGN (In Game Name) azuribahn Why Do you want to Play on this Server? looked interesting, thought i might try it out What Do you want to Build?: what ever comes to my mind realy, got nothing specific i build when i join, usaly build the things that pop's into my head
  2. In game name: azuribahn Age: 23 Location: Norway Are you currently banned from any servers?: No i have not been banned on any servers. Minecraft experience to date: i used to play both tekkit (before the uppdate) and FTB but experience wise im Still learning since there is so much to learn yet. A short paragraph about yourself and why you would like to play on our server: I'm 23 years old currently unemployed (due to illness) living at home with my Fiance, the reason i want to play on your server is it seemd quite interesting and i'd love to play on it and let my creativity flow.
  3. In-game name:azuribahn Age:23 Time spent playing modded Minecraft:did play for a while some time ago and decided to play again now! (a while was about 5-6 months) Reason I want to join: (Valid reason -> surprise us! ) the reason i want to join is because i realy enjoy the build experience with machines and factorys and building in general!
  4. Re: [24/7][2.1.1][Quantum Gaming Tekkit Server][42 slots][Whitelist] yeah same here :-(
  5. did you add those 2 last only or did you include those 2 above the last posts aswell? cant connect at all.
  6. IGN:Azuribahn Have you ever been banned: No. What do you plan to do on the server: Build as much as i can. What is your experience level with Tekkit? i know the basics, still learning
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