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Everything posted by gilrain

  1. ChopTree2 is working great for me on Tekkit 3.0.3, Win 7 x64 Java 7 x64.
  2. You can always spawn in some resources, if that's the issue... personally, I don't feel it's really cheating (at least, not ignoble cheating) to spawn in a handful of basic resources when you world reset. I imagine that we've migrated to a new land, and brought along what we could carry, you know? That way you get the advantages of a fresh world, and avoid some of the first few hours of grinding.
  3. Or, a bit easier and all-encompassing: in ChopTree.properties (inside plugins/ChopTree) change this: UseAnything = false to this: UseAnything = true Then the trees will come down even if you use your hands.
  4. This part: -Xmx3G -Xms2G Is saying to Java: start this up with 2 GB of RAM reserved, and then let it grow to a max of 3 GB if needed. However, the error suggests you might not have enough RAM available to start it with 2 GB. Try changing that part of the line to: -Xmx1G -Xms512M I don't know how well the server will run with that much, but, assuming you have 512 MB of RAM free, it should at least start. Alternatively, now that you know what those arguments do, mess around with the numbers to suit the amount of RAM you have free.
  5. The first two happen to me as well. On my server, I have EE turned off and the first happens with RE-Batteries, instead.
  6. Oh, and please note: on my server, I had to restart the server after placing the chunk loader blocks for them to register and work properly. After that, though, they're good as gold: all my industries and far-flung teleport locations work continuously, no natter how remote or infrequently visited.
  7. This is the behavior you get if the chunk the teleport pipe is sending from (or receiving to, I suppose) gets unloaded. I had a very similar problem, but knew teleport pipes were working generally... I use them extensively in my base. I plonked down a chunk loader block (four iron ingots) in the chunk the teleport pipe was in, and that fixed the intermittent sending.
  8. Not exactly! This has happened on my server, to one of our players. I tested it extensively with her. It turns out the set of bronze armor she was wearing was causing her to take far more damage than wearing no armor at all. So, it was as though the armor were giving her a negative armor value, somehow, and amplifying the damage. I advised her to destroy that set of armor. The next set of bronze armor she made worked properly. Very strange.
  9. Re: Bugs found in Tekkit 2.0 Just want to say some of us do get it and really appreciate your posts, Darth. My server is functional thanks to you, and I and my players thank you for posting your fixes. :)
  10. Try Notepad++, it's free and opens far more files without any trouble than Notepad.
  11. Thanks, nicklase... that fix works perfectly. :)
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