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About Joshposh70

  • Birthday 06/26/1998

Joshposh70's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. You need a stack of redstone/glowstone/gunpowder in your inventory. It burns these up at fuel
  2. Try placing it 90 degrees of the landmark and see what happens.
  3. Anyone have any other ideas?
  4. That's not really an option Xtras as I don't know were they are in the first place.
  5. Hey there, So I run a small 6 person server, and we have a problem. Someones placed down 38 world anchors and I don't know were they are to get rid of the things. I've tried uninstalling Railcraft booted the server up and reinstalled it, Still found 38. Is there a config/command to disable/remove them?
  6. ESC > Options > Video settings > Render distance off -+32 to far or whatever you use.
  7. This is supposed to happen as Tekkit changes the JAR massively. If you need to install mods you just drop them into the 'plugin' folder.
  8. Oh, Ok. Is there a way I can change it in a config or something?
  9. You were telling me how to connect my own pipes. I'm asking if there's a way to make it so I can connect to his pipes.
  10. Each pipe has an 'Owner' and I can't connect to his pipes and he can't connect to mine.
  11. I don't think you understand Spencer, I'm trying to make it so both me and a friend can both set up pipes on the same frequency and be able to use each others pipes
  12. Alright. So me and friend both play on a tekkit server, Just the two of us. Is there any way to make it so I can use the teleport pipes he's connected up and so on? It's annoying having to put down 2 teleport pipes to get liquids for our devices.
  13. Electric engines were removed in tekkit 3.0.3? I think
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