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About The_King

  • Birthday 07/02/1995

The_King's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Name: Jonathan Minecraft Username: Floch Age:18 Preffered Tekkit Mod: tekkit lite, (redpower2) Are you banned in any server(Y/N): No, i am not banned anywhere at all.
  2. Hey! why is the server offline???? please tell me its going back up. i love this server!!!!
  3. I mean like a separate forum or maybe on this thread where players can ask u if u could install a special mod the player would like to have ingame. another question, i am creating a private server for me and my friends (not tekkit), what permission plugin do u use? i have tried 3 diffrent ones and i can't get them to work corektly
  4. Hello again! Is there any place where you can advice some nice mods?
  5. Hello! Eaglesight, is a homepage for this server comeing? If not i think I can get you a free version and make a nice website for this server. //Floch
  6. What is your Minecraft username? = Floch How old are you? = 18 In what country do you live? = sweden Will we find a ban record of you on a banlist like for example mcbans.com? = No Have you read through the thread as you should to avoid unnecessary questions later? =Yes What is the command to claim a chunk? (Answered in the thread) = /chunk claim
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