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About ChargedCreeperBrony

  • Birthday 03/05/1996

ChargedCreeperBrony's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. YES IT WORKS, oh thank you 2 so much!
  2. lol cant test it yet, night
  3. computer 2: startup:4: attempt to call nill
  4. oh wait those '' '' are now supposed for the password XD
  5. rednet :3 5 0: string expected -_-
  6. OH GOD I CANT CHANGE IT XD and there is ''cum'' in it
  7. ah so those '' '' arent supposed to be there
  8. does there has to be a # before it?
  9. now i get this error in copmuter 1: rednet :347: positive number expected
  10. and how about computer 1?
  11. and the timeout is...? the id? EDIT: yes
  12. this one is actialy for minecraft 1.4.2 i have created an password program in 1.2.5, but somehow in 1.4.2 it doesnt work. this is my program: computer 1 (input): edit startup: print("text") rednet.open("side") ctrl save ctrl exit edit password: print("text") rednet.send("computer 2's ID", password) os.reboot() ctrl save ctrl exit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- computer 2 (output): edit startup: rednet.open("side") id, message = rednet.receive("computer 1's ID", password) if message == "password" then redstone.SetOutput("side", true) sleep(5) redstone.SetOutput("side", false) os.reboot() end ctrl save ctrl exit ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- when i start the 2nd computor it gives this error: rednet :400: number expected this is the error i et when i enter the password: bios:338: [string "password"] :4: '<eof>' expected i realy REALY need help -thanks
  13. i found a way to let computer 2 always recieve it: edit startup and this code: id, message = rednet.receive() if message == "password" then rs.setOutput("back",true) reboot.os () end made the program in the startup and make it roboot when finished, end must be placed, once done and restarted the computer you cant do anything... like edit a program.
  14. i do: edit startup and this code: print ("Enter Password") and than: edit "password name" and this code: print ("Acces Granted! You Have 5 Second To Proceed. Press ESC To Exit. ") redstone.setOutput ("back", true) sleep (5) redstone.setOutput ("back", false) os.reboot () and now i use that rednet thing :D
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