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Posts posted by Pulse95

  1. Launcher Version: Technic Launcher -

    Operating System: Mac OS X 10.8.2

    Java Version: Java SE 6

    Antivirus Program: None, Macs rock for that.

    Description of Problem:

    Macs and other Apple products cannot use the launcher above a certain version.

    Error Messages:

    Minecraft failed to start, errors reported in log. (When I checked the log it was empty)

    Error Log:

    Nothing to be found

  2. Gender: [X]Boy [ ]Girl <-- I hope

    How old are you?


    Do you have a PC or Mac?

    [ ]PC


    What kinds of games do you like?









    Are you currently playing any games on a regular basis?


    [ ]No

    Name 2 games you like the most.


    Dwarf Fortress

    How many hours do you spend daily in front of the computer?

    [ ]none

    [ ]1-2 hrs

    [ ]3-5 hrs

    [X]5-8 hrs <---- Not sure if Porn watching counts.

    [ ]more than 8 hrs

    Do you consider yourself to be addicted to computer?


    [ ]No

    What do you like best about a game?

    A great story line with a bit of free roam, I also like any space related science game. oh, and hot chicks with big tits shooting stuff.

  3. All the mod creators have to do is ask, and the Technic Team will remove the mod. The reason the mods are what they are is because they allow the Technic Team to use them. The mod makers seem to like that donation section on the site since they make more money off that than they ever will with Adfly. Only the admins can give you physical proof, since they have more knowledge of this 'permissions' stuff than I do. Well, anyway, I am going to go cry in a corner as I eat ice-cream while watching Twilight.

  4. 1. They can, just like skinny people can chubby-bunny.

    2. Some Neologist who probably talkeds likes disss.

    3. Noah never existed, according to any history book that was created by sane people. (I mean, there is not enough water on Earth to flood the whole planet) Then again, gravity is also just a theory and has not been proven.

    The real question: How much can a wood-chuck chuck wood, if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?

  5. A great man once said: "If we listened to uninformed idiots, all of the world problems would be solved. We would just have much bigger ones."

    Do you think you can hack the problems to make them go away?

  6. Nooooo. Not airplanes!

    I would rather have some sort of an FTL or teleporting system to get to places, Planes have no leg room and annoying children who I wish to choke with my bare hands. Also the food tastes like packaging peanuts.


  7. Wait, so we would die now?

    =.= Global Warming will kill us slowly in 40 years, I would take away oil, but I would give humanity enough oil for 2 years to get everything that runs on oil converted to something more eco-friendly. Or just fuck it and ride bikes to work and shit, I mean, those things run on fat. And the few electric cars would go to people who are transporting goods, like food, to places. However airplanes are fucked ... Guess we will just have to swim.

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