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About Madrauk

  • Birthday 03/04/1995

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Dirt (1/9)



  1. So I know it's unlikely I'm going to be able to salvage this, but after a few days of seething I decided I'd see if I can't "trim the bush" per se of the world file, to see if there are specific things broken that cause the crash like a loose dimension or two. I'd just like some advice from the more technical here about what exactly is crashing and burning in my server's log file to see if i can't pinpoint the problem. I don't really know how to post spoilers here, so I’ll just link the txt log where i uploaded it to my dropbox. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pewz2hrday2i0g3/ForgeModLoader-server-0.log Any help is greatly appreciated!
  2. ya, i just did what i maybe should have done in the first place and picked up and replaced my mfsu, seemed to fix the problem. Should be noted world anchors are liable to freeze some electrical machines for future reference. thanks for the response!
  3. Title: Lack of electric flow Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Windows 7 Home Premium, 64-bit Java Version: I'm not sure, almost positive it's latest. Description of Problem: I logged onto my friends server one day and found that my main electrical storage system was completely debunk. no electricity was flowing through it. This included the terraformer outside my house, my general machines like furnaces, macerator, etc. and my solar panel assembly line. I have a feeling it might have something to do with the use of the new world anchor blocks to keep chunks loaded. Error Messages: Error Log:
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