Hi there! As you probably noticed from the title of the thread, I'm looking for just the right Tekkit server, in according to what I'd like in a server. So if you have a server, or know of one that fits, I'd be really happy if you could help direct me towards it
Alright! So what I'm looking for is a server where you can just go ahead and pop in, and just straight away start helping someone building something.
I'm not a big fan of starting all over again and building up from scratch... because honestly, if I did that, I might as well do it in singleplayer.
What I'd like to do is help someone else with his project, as a sort of work-man, I suppose. Not to mention that I'd prefer a non-PvP server, and a server not populated by people who's only got themselves in mind. I've been looking for a while and can't find anything that suits my needs. I hope someone can help me with this!
Thank you for reading :)