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Everything posted by miningpotato

  1. Minecraft name: miningpotato Age: 14 Experience: out of ten, 5/10 Why you want to join: to start a tekkit series on a friendly server! and to learn on the way. i have played on others servers but they have now shut down. so i hope for a longer stay!
  2. In-Game Name:miningpotato Age:14 Experience with Tekkit:nearly...urm...a bit, but i am a fast learner! Did you read the rules?:yes i did and i will follow them!
  3. IGN:miningpotato Have you ever been banned:only once, but have no intentions to get banned on this server. What do you plan to do on the server:help out, join a force and build epic stuff! What is your experience level with Tekkit?out of 10... 4/10 but am a fast learner.
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