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Lathan Stanley

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Everything posted by Lathan Stanley

  1. OK, this is not a FIX you can apply yourself.... This needs to be updated with the launcher itself. But its the reason why its broke (as far as I can tell) Technic Launcher FORCES the 2.9.0 version of the Java Light Weight Game Loader (jlwgl.dll) and all its associated files.... It force overwrites it every time it launches the game. (I went to an extent to try to prevent overwrites, and if I got it not to overwrite it simply halted game launches and wouldn't start) It downloads and forces this 2.9.0 version to vanilla minecraft, all modpacks, tekkit, voltz, the big dig... everything. 2.9.0 was a junk version, it didn't work on a large handful of systems for the audio, its why we don't have working sounds! Verify for yourself! Go download the real vanilla minecraft 1.7.4 from mojang, use their launcher, and then after it loads and audio DOES work, check the file versions of the jlwgl in the folders there, they are running 2.9.1 Can we PHUuuuuuLEEEEEeeeeeaaaase get the technic launcher to run 2.9.1 instead of 2.9.0 !!?!!? it'll make all of us no-sound whiners really happy. It changes absolutely nothing that might break the game as far as I know... However I do know that it fixes the audio.
  2. understood it hasn't worked.. OK... but I haven't seen it reported as not-working on 3.0.4 thus, it needs to be reported. the wiki claims it works. >.> edit: is there anyone here who "can" make it work? or is this going to be a dead request that nobody ever addresses? I can look into the code, but I'm... kinda like a blind 4 year old inside a round room looking for the square corner when it comes to java... who knows though, maybe I get lucky.
  3. Title: Tesla Coil Amplifier Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4 OS: Windows 7 x64 Java Version: version7 update5 Description of Problem: The amplifiers (uninsulated wire) have no effect, the max range is 4 blocks regardless. also the coils max charge is 10,000 EU. stated here: http://thetekkit.wikia.com/wiki/Tesla_Coil It should charge up to 1,000,000 EU, and have a range of 50 when fully charged to 1M EU. When attached with bare HV Cable, the range should also be tripled, it is not. Error Messages: none Error Log: none
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