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About and.wj

  • Birthday 03/10/2012

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Grass (2/9)



  1. causes lag = Mob Arena + Sleef arena + pvp arena = lag 3! and i have feelen the lag! thats not qualety!
  2. + my grammar is not the best in the world as you can see
  3. BY THE WAY!!! its OK that im banned, im not returning, bekuse the system is bad. And bekuse that if i get an warning, adn it says that to me in the chat, i cant allways follow it! bekuse its HARD to read when betwen 40 peaople is sometimes talking at once! well if you only care about the money you can get from ur server, its ok, but your server got no qualety! you play, get machines, get up in rank... get warnings... talk... nothing spesial! Tekkit ip: robynsworld.guildsite.net is the server that is perfect builded up!!! take an look at it and LEARN!!! Get some qualety and dont think only about the money! may you dont think only about the money, but i have never seen you on at the server + that you did not answer my whole question at my last comment sorry if im making you mad and vasting ur time....
  4. Really?? how do i really check my warnings? bekuse i have never user the ticket system before, and if i am getting baned just for getting ticket warnings, its rude. and i dont knwo how many warnings i had! i didnt know i even had 1 warning!!!
  5. I am random as that snake on your head, maybe as your zombie cat to?

  6. :O you did answer really fast! Thats Greate! PS: i started an conversation... u can stop it if you want to, but read the msg :D
  7. eh.... HI! its me andwj!!!! i was on my wait to ur server, but then it says 15/15 !!!!! then i played other games, checked the list sometimes, then it says 16/15 OMG xD the back to 15/15, but i just want to say, Add VIP login! like if the server is full the VIP can join when its full or not! By The way, LOVE UR SERVER, but cant get inn xD Add be to the List if creating one! :D
  8. BY THE WAY! want to message me back? msg me at Youtube! then ill answer faster! name: BLODSWIPER im writing to much DONT blame if my english grammar is bad IM SORRY!!!
  9. But The Admins is to fast, banned me at ONCE i asked. Do something with that! that made me sad :,(
  10. OK ok, dont to be rude, but this server's admin's can eat my dogs shit! (some of them, maybe other admins is Greate!) the fat assed admins dont want to read my ticket that they 100% SAW at the screen that I created, then i ASKED them pretty to read it but THEN i got banned! wtf is wrong with asking? and SORRY if its against the rules, but i did not know! i read rules, but not if there is to many of them. but im mad that the server did that to me without giving me an chanse or giving me an warning! soo... whats is going to be? my ticket was: promote me! bekuse i was just finished with creating my upgraded extrator and i was kinda stuck if i did not get permission to the new stuff for Alchemist. i am: Techincal andwj if u are getting mad of this msg, im allready banned. im not happy about this, i have spend 11 Hour at that server. ps: im not fat in real life xD just an really gamer! ANYWAY ur server is greate, good buildup with plugins, 100% control of everything and that... unbann me if you want. it will take time before ill answer this msg. PEACE from andwj
  11. Can u WHitelist me at ur server?

    IGN: andwj

  12. why is the server on and can you op nitram_b :D
  13. Hey Hey HEY! whitelist me plz! im desperate! -- andwj -- why?: i love tekkit!
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