Server Review:
I have played this server for a couple weeks now and offer the following review for others thinking of joining.
Disclamer: this review is based on my play and enjoyment of a server and the style of play I look for when entering a multiplayer environment. by no means is this review going to be written in stone review it is based on my opinion of the various categories and would be shocked if 100% of the community agrees with my review but I do attempt to keep it objective and unbiased.
Server: The Server itself for US and Canada users is remarkably stable and lag free with many Tekkit servers running on inferior VPS / memory servers this one appears to have the "Right Stuff" I experience random to be expected lag now and then but never for any length of time to hinder my enjoyment on the server. Response to actions is as good as if i was playing single player no noticeable "popping of blocks" lag at all. I did encounter 1 crash where the server was unavailable over the whole 2 week period the admin quickly restarted the server soon as he was aware of the problem total downtime maybe 3 hours. I would rank this category 9 out of 10.
Setup - Plug-ins: The server is setup as a PVP with economy and self protection (purchased with economy) I do find the economy to be a bit "out of wack" and it was about 5 days playing before someone in chat mentioned you can sell most of the vanilla blocks like cobble to the server using the /sell command. What I expected to do was by hunting monsters as a source of income to protect your first residence is where I find there could be improvement to the hunting rewards to encourage more hunting and less mass digging at the start just to accumulate funds as well as a lack of information at spawn (mostly due to a map reset) informing players of the different ways they can make money on the server. There also is a Web Based store you can gain a quick start by purchasing items / currency to support the server via a buy-craft plug-in or off their website all of the packages are very reasonable at just $1 with the largest package of $7 not counting their donation packages just to support the server. Being a PVP server open to anyone who wants to join be prepared to be gang jumped by PVP greifers who love to hound on new players as you see in some of the above posts too much of this will constitute a harassment ban for 5 days continue and you'll receive more permanent actions. The protection plug-in "Residence" is used and after a brief reading / video tutorial (both located -linked- on the server website) I was well on my way with protection. EE is fully disabled which for me is exactly what I was seeking as a adult player I agree with the admin of this server EE is way to overpowered and unbalancing to be in a multiplayer environment. Only 1 other plug-in is disabled which is wireless red stone due to how unstable it can be. All other Tekkit mods are working and ID's open for use. I find this setup to be "the best of both worlds" appealing to both the creative survival player who isn't interested in PVP they can fully protect and turn off PVP in their residence and to the die-hard PVP who want to do some faction warfare or some endgame battles. the one weakness of this model being a open server and PVP everywhere till you protect you can find periods of what I can just describe as idiots camping edges of protected zones waiting for you to slip up and wack you for your stuff and teleporting to run away. With the same periods being very hard for a newcomer to the server to gain a solid start. I do think if PVP is a serious aspect of this server the ability to /warp /home /tp for users should be disabled to give fighting chance for real PVP fights and if you do loose the fight and your too far away to get back without using /back would be a welcome improvement. I would rank this category as a 6 out of 10 as I think there is a fair amount of balancing to do but compared to most its one of the best attempts to provide a server for both the care bears and the PVP’s I have seen in a long time.
Staff: Not much to say here I interacted with most of the mods on the server and the admin the "senior staff" are very fair and reasonable some of the lower mod's have room to improve their relations with the players to become a bit more professional and represent the server as the environment that the admin is attempting to promote. Over the 2 week period I observed a few mod's abusing their privileges but never to any extreme to impact my enjoyment and play on the server. I would rank this category 7 out of 10 with improvements that could be made with Moderator choices.
Community: Here is where the server appears to be growing the strongest it is quickly gaining over my 2 week period a small and growing community of players enjoying playing Tekkit / Bukkit together both supporting and helping each other with builds. That said being open there's been observed allot of the "fly by night" hackers / greifers / op beggars / EE flamers that come and go but in general the players you meet over a 2 week period that are regulars on the server are welcoming and helpful of all players. I would rank this category 7 out of 10 with improvements that could be made on promotion of community and working together and a more if there ever can be more improvements to the amount of "asshats".
Summary: I found this to be one of the best stable servers to play on reaction time wise if you didn't have chat popping up you would swear you were playing single player. I think the Admin who’s really good with the server administration role still has work to do but it is one of the best servers I have seen hosted in a very long time. Combined score I would rank this Server 7.5 out of 10 Great server! I look forward to more playing on this server and will be here until I find a new "Better Then This King of the Hill"