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Everything posted by sk_or

  1. In-game name: sk_or Age: 15 Time Zone: GMT Have you ever been banned?: Nope What is your Tekkit experience?: I've been playing Tekkit for about a year now and I am experienced with all aspects of it. Why do you want to join Fekkit?: I would like to join Fekkit because I haven't played with a Tekkit community in a while and would like to join a small friendly community. EDIT: I forgot to put the link to the bans thing in. http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/3e267bb8601c040123359ee708aed022d9734d65
  2. Title: Can only connect to my friend's hamachi tekkit server for a few seconds Version: 3.1.2 OS: Windows Vista Java Version: 32 Bit Description of Problem: Okay so my friend is hosting his tekkit server and at first I could connect and play as normal but after a while I could only connect for a few seconds-1mins and then minecraft says "Connection Lost Internal exception: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed" Error Messages: "Connection Lost Internal exception: java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: recv failed" Error Log:
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