Think this might be a bug in Tekkit 3.1.1. I just ran into this issue with an unmodified Tekkit version.
I always assumed visual effects issues was just apart of being SMP. Pipes and such don't always update correctly but have confirmed that containers are receiving items.
I have ran into sound issues a few times, re-installing client always fixed it for me.
Been searching some of the newer mods forums' with any posts that cause The End not to generate correctly, no luck yet.
Seems to work if you don't mind a bunch of server errors being displayed.
Cant really say if it helps with lag any since I'm the only one on my server.
Experimenting a bit:
Downloaded bukkitplusplus version craftbukkit-1.2.5-FML-R4.1-SNAPSHOT-76.jar
Made a new folder with edited Server launcher.bat
Overwrote all file in this folder with what I have in my Tekkit 3.1.1 server folder.
Deleted bukkit.yml for it to be recreated to include the PlusPlus specific options.
Client side everything seems to run fine.
Server side, any container a player opens gets a [sEVERE] SERIOUS BUKKIT PORTING ERROR.
Working fine now, seems I just needed to do a server reboot.
Removed all plugins, restarted launch.bat, Block Breaker started working.
Restored all plugins, without making any changes. Block Breakers still worked.
Anyone know how to allow the fakeplayer to login?
Using Tekkit 3.1.1 (not an option in the Version list)
Using the following Bukkit plugins:
added [RedPower] to ops.txt
after running Launch.bat noticed this gets changed to [redpower]
Title: Bukkit Server: [RedPower] Login is disabled.
Version: 3.0.3/3.0.4
OS: Windows 7 64 bit
Java Version: 1.7 update 5
Description of Problem:
Block Breakers don't work
Error Messages:
Server console:
[iNFO] [RedPower] FakePlayer created.
[iNFO] [RedPower] Login disabled.
Error Log:
14:20:48 [WARNING] Configuration for mod_ComputerCraft.enableAPI_http found value 0 outside acceptable range 4.9E-324,1.7976931348623157E308
14:20:50 [WARNING] Could not get information about this CraftBukkit version; perhaps you are running a custom one?: FileNotFoundException
14:20:52 [iNFO] [RedPower] FakePlayer created.
14:20:52 [iNFO] [RedPower] Login is disabled.
Entire Log here
I was trying SimpleSpawn plugin I get these exact same errors.
Deleting SimpleSpawn folder and jar file, these errors go away for me.
Sounds like your server is using a plugin that doesn't play nice with Tekkit mods.
I had this same problem the first time I installed Tekkit.
Need to look inside Tekkit folder for something like Options.txt
Change view radius from 0 to 10.
Cant provide more accurate directions since I'm not home right now.
Edit: max view distance minecraft supports is 15
Need to set
If this is false when players start making items that let you fly they will get booted.
All other setting can be left at default or however you wish the server settings to be.
This needs to match the port you are forwarding from your router.
When still on Automatic IP settings
Go to START - All Programs - Accessories - Command Prompt
should get something like this
Need to know these settings before setting up Static IP address. Ignore the IPv6 address.
Example: On my computer I set the same info as my Static IP settings. (As described in my previous post)
Then go into router settings, set to forward port 25565. (Not sure how you go about doing this for your specific router)
Go to find out what my public ip address is,
If I was hosting a server would connect via
As long as everything is setup correctly friends should be able to connect to your server.
Post any errors you are receiving perhaps I can understand them using Google Translate.
Your system should already be setup to static address before attempting any game server setup.
If you need instructions on how to do this:
Let me know if need more detailed info than this.
This page help you?
I've never messed with a LevelOne brand router before.
Sound like your port forwarding may be messed up.
Are you trying to host your server on port 80? This port number should only be used by Web Server programs like Apache, since this is the port web browsers use for http.
How are you connecting to your own server? I always go thru my public IP address
For testing if others can connect to the server.