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Everything posted by stijn

  1. IGN:stijnhero Age:16 Why would you like to join our community? I just would really like a stable hexxit server for me and my friend and this one looks like the best and mature one. Have you read, and agree to all of our rules? yes i have. Do you know how to install the Hexxit Mod Pack? i'm an experianced java programmer so yes and i can even help you with your problems(used to make minecraft mods still hosting a big server and now following a game developers study)
  2. Hello, and welcome to StoneVoltz! StoneVoltz is one of my new minecraft server project. (Check my old site for my old server: stonecraft.site40.net) Why do i want to host a server? Well, i like technology like things and i've hosted a server before but had to shut it down because of personal problems. Also i'm getting sick of those voltz servers that say NO LAG 24/7 and they still crash every second. Where are we aiming for? A good and friendly community, few rules, no lag(i'll try), 24/7, fun for people and ofcourse become the biggest server! A bit about me: I'm a young programmer, i like c++ and java. I've hosted a big minecraft server before this one and i know alot about being a good admin and i know alot about java. So i can fix bugs not like other admins that say:"i think i know what the bug is" next day you see they refreshed the map. I'm aiming for people to enjoy their stay on this server, And i think i speak for all admins/ server owners make some cash during. Once Voltz will be ported to Bukkit i will add some plugins. Okay so now for the server details and rules: Removed mod: Mystcraft, why? creating a new world makes a lot of lagg and can start to annoy otherpeople. also most of these world created will take lots of hard disk space. Imagine 100 users creating 1 world at the same time. Banned items: lightning rod crashes server. Tier 2 and 3 Factory corrupts map. Rules: (1. No bug abuse, like duping glitching and that sort of stuff. (2. No swearing, flaming and raging. Pretty easy rule to follow. (3. No hacking like: X-Ray, flying and wall hacks. (4. Treat other players with respect. (5. Have fun!! Also, our admins and moderators will be fully undercover because i like to play survival my self. IP: IP CHANGED! Commands: /sethome /home /summon [playername] /tell [playername] message /warp [warpname] Server specs: 8 gigs of ram i7 intel proccesor 1gig upload speed 1gig download speed Will add pictures later! Form to fill in to apply for moderator: (1. IGN: (2. Age: (3. First time joined the server: (4. Why do you want to be a mod: (5. What do you think that makes you a good moderator:
  3. My computer shutted down servers online now!
  4. You never logged in on my server probably once and you play on another server so I can't trust you.
  5. trying to fix some of the last buggs
  6. IF you are using bukkit it means you ported the mods. wich means you edited mods without approval and i think some mods had copyright on them. good luck.
  7. It's fixed now sorry for incoveniance
  8. I'm awere of those problems and I'm fixing it i just installed forgebukkit mod so thats why i got some glitches sorry!
  9. they just banned me for pointing out this server isnt bukkit. I'm reporting to staff for fake title
  10. Yep you're right. so they have a fake title and fake motd :P
  11. Erm, fake title bukkit does not blend with forge anymore as the bukkit forge fork is dead, you don't have a bukkit server as you CANT have one. You installed forge essentials.
  12. Will try to look through the applys as fast as possible thanks guys!
  13. There was a bug wich made it impossible to download 1.0.7 sever but it's updated now
  14. Server is online!
  15. Welcome to all new players server computer is working now server will be online soon!
  16. No, sorry i was at my friends home and i had it running on my test pc and it went into stand by
  17. I was planning to get it up today but first i'm reinstalling some bits of the server wich will take some time.
  18. you can still behave like a 6 year old even though you are 12
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