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Posts posted by Honeyderp

  1. Sorry I haven't been on for a while, but that's just how it is. I'm going to be completely unable to go on the server until.... How's next March sound? Yeah, cricket has over run my life, with some school mixed in. If you would like to reverse my whitelisting, that's fine with me. Thanks Andrew for hosting this server, and all of warptech's founders for letting me in. But, ill see you all on these forums. Bye.

  2. Operating system? If its windows just use "run" and type in %appdata%. Find a folder called ".techniclauncher" (I think that's what it's called) and open it. Find "Tekkit" and delete it. If you have something good, hard to find tp, good worlds etc. make a backup of them. After you delete tekkit, open the launcher and select tekkit. It will redownload all the mods. In appdata, you can place your backups to their correct folders. Hopefully you are on a windows system, because I'm hopeless with macs.

  3. This is my first time using computers, and I'd like to know if there is a way to either:

    a) Make a mining turtle empty out its contents when full


    B) Make a computer emit a redstone signal when the mining turtle is full.

    If either of these questions are possible, could you please give me the code, because I've never used CC before. Thanks.

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