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Everything posted by Daxtilion

  1. Hey There, Welcome to the Server! If you have any questions or queries dont hesitate to ask! Regards, Daxtilion
  2. Hi Dengian, Good to finaly get another Aus Player Welcome to the Server! In regards to your quarry confusion, its limited to one AT A TIME, so by all means quarry as needed but only one opperating at a time is permited, This is due to the fact that quarries force their chunk to be loaded much like world anchors, and an excess of them really drain on the server Regards, Daxtilion
  3. Hey There Cormoo, Welcome to the server! Sorry its taken a while to get back to you, You should be right to log in now, If you have any questions or queries dont hesitate to ask! Regards, Daxtilion
  4. Hey There! Sorry its taken so long to reply! Welcome to the server If you have any questions or concerns, dont hesitate to ask!
  5. Hey There! Sorry its taken so long to reply! Welcome to the server If you have any questions or concerns, dont hesitate to ask!
  6. I have sent you an inbox message :)
  7. *UPDATE* Hey All, Our Server recently installed the the following Pluggins: Exact Spawn Factions The Factions plugin now prevents against greifers, if you have any questions feel free to ask our staff! Regards, Industrial Craft Staff.
  8. Hi there Le_Joueur Sorry about that, amongst the previous world corruption it messed up part of the white list, It has been fixed now! Let me know if you have any issues. Regards, Daxtilion
  9. Hey There! Welcome to the Server! You should be right to join, if you have any questions or concerns dont hesitate to ask :)
  10. *Attention* We have solved the corrupted world issue and restored everything without Any loss to the server!!! (YAY) I have managed to locate the cause of the error to the Dimensional Pockets created through using the Dimension Door Plugin, These little 'Worlds' stay loaded and pretty much overloaded the server to the point of crashing as we some how managed to accumulate 1.5gb of loaded world... Consequently we are still leaving the Dimensional Door Pluggin on the server due to its teleportation uses however Use of pocket worlds through items such as the rift blade etc. Will be prohibited Again, I am terribly sorry for the delay and realise this has been a great disadvantage to all members, A special reward will be released in the coming days for your patience. Regards, Industrial Revolution Team
  11. *Attention* Unfortunately we are still having troubles with the world file, something managed to corrupt the world resulting in severe lag! We are still trying to isolate and resolve the issue and appreciate your patience during the down time. All efforts are being made to assure that no player creations are lost during the down time Sorry for the inconvenience For updates or questions contact me on 'Steam' User: Daxtilion Regards, Industrial Revolution Team
  12. *ATTENTION* We are currently experiencing some difficulties with our current world we are working on fixing this ASAP Consequently the server will be down for the next few hours Sorry for the Delays! Regards: Industrial Revolution Staff
  13. Welcome to the server! Sorry its taken me so long to reply, i was away for the weekend Regards, Daxtilion
  14. Welcome to the Server! Sorry its taken me so long to reply, was away for the weekend! Haha thanks for clarifying your location ;)
  15. Welcome to the server! Sorry it has taken me a while to reply,was away for the weekend!
  16. Welcome to the server! Sorry It has taken me a while to reply , was away for the weekend! :)
  17. Welcome to the server! Sorry It has taken me a while to reply , was away for the weekend! :)
  18. Hey Protectbot! Welcome to the server! You should be right to join, if you have any issues dont hesitate to ask! See you on the server! :)
  19. Hey There! Sorry its taken so long to reply! your details have been added to the white list! welcome to the server
  20. Please Donate! donations Help keep the server afloat and upgraded to reduce lag! donations are rewarded with special , in game custom Name Prefixes and colours (eg.) <prefix> <Name> *UPDATE* Hey All, Our Server recently installed the the following Pluggins: Exact Spawn Factions MC Core The Factions plugin now prevents against greifers, if you have any questions feel free to ask our staff! Regards, Industrial Craft Staff.
  21. Yea nothings disabled in EE on our server, however people have stacks of MK.3 Collectors worth 850,000emc Each so its all kinda unbalanced... Any other ideas? Thanks!
  22. Hey All, Was wondering if anyone had any ideas for currency plugins for a tekkit server? Our tekkit server has grown to 40+ players and we wanted to get a currency going to by items and land from other players. because of EE and the energy collectors most standard plugins such as "iconomey" are useless due to the majority of items being able to be condensed etc. :\ The main need is to sell off areas of land within cities and to sell items that people have built manufacturing lines for (eg. HV Solar Panels) Any ideas would be great! Thanks all!
  23. Well we all have stable internet connections and its a private white list server we all know each other so no one is 'Hacking' any other ideas ? :\ Im just more curious as to why this hasn't happened in the past 3 weeks its only started displaying the [Warning] messages recently (1 day ago), rest of the time has been a perfect server. And i'm not capped or close to my cap for my internet plan either.. Really need help on this one cose the lag im getting (im host) has rendered the game unplayable.. Cheers!
  24. Hey All, I'm lead to believe that this isn't just a specific Tekkit Server issue however it never happened hosting my vanilla server. The server has been running for about 3 weeks now and this: Only started showing up yesturday. The servers only got 4 people on at a time (MAX) and we are all getting immense Lag now. I have configured the Launcher.bat like this which I believe means i'm running the server with 4gb RAM I have a fairly decent gaming computer: - AMD Phenom II x4 965 3.4GHz - Nvidia GTX 570 1gb - 8gb Vengence 1333mhz RAM - 1tb HDD - Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit - 750 OCZ PSU There was little if any lag for the whole past 3 weeks but now everyone is lagging quite a bit and the server console is constantly getting these [WARNING] messages about the server time changing or something... Does anyone know how I can fix this and get my server running normal Lag free again?! Thanks!
  25. FOUND A FIX!!! was issue with firewall Thanks all!
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