Basics:Been playing minecraft almost since it came out , just started playing atobt but i played a lot of ftb , just looking for a nice server to see what people build and have fun with others In game name:magnolo666 Age:21 Timezone:UTC-05:00 About You:I'm a nice french canadian that love to build beautiful constructions and love to play with other people. Describe your Minecraft experience:Refer to basic Describe your experience with Minecraft servers:I have been the admin of a bunch of server from vanilla to almost every kind of modpack , also made some custom modpack myself. Have you ever been banned? This is not necessarily a deal-breaker, but please explain what happened:No What attracted you to this particular server?Seem like a nice active server with a bunch of people! Anything Else? Optional.Is there anything you'd like to ask us or you'd like to share? Is there anything important for the staff to know?That's pretty much it , i just hope to be accepted and have fun on your server !