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Everything posted by PattyCakeChamp

  1. Minecraft Name: PattyCakeChamp Age: 23 Location: Maryland, USA What do you plan todo on our server(any major project plans?): I've been playing tekkit and its core mods for over a year and have previously hosted a private modded server for a few friends. Most recently I've started a town of my own on a tekkit server but they decided to make the server large and for-profit, even though the owner and root admin don't upkeep it. I've already had my fun building uber-complex builds, but that doesn't shirk my wanting to play tekkit. If white-listed I plan on helping with building up the community areas with whatever players may need (my town included public work stations (ic2) and charging stations, a public automatic wool farm and mooshroom farm (they took forever to lead back to my town), xp grinder (spawners moved with a rp2 6-axis frame platform) and enchanting room, and free power to homes (provided by a very large tower full of CASUC nuclear reactors (no explosions as of my last login)). I like the idea of not having towns and building in a tight community, as it reminds me of my days playing with my friends. Here is a ban list checker link, (i personally use 2 of them and my roommate uses 1 but does play smp). http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/28ed39d7b0256f8ed1d3756ed98075774486892c Here is a screenshot of the early days of my town (shows the town hall, rail station inside the volcano, and xp grinder in the background). http://tinypic.com/m/fleret/1
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