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About Doktr_Blöcks

  • Birthday 06/24/1991

Doktr_Blöcks's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Also my framerate is awful (less than 1fps) and ping is at least 10 or 20 seconds. The game runs fine in singleplayer. I've set all the graphics/draw distance settings to lowest and switched back to the vanilla texture pack. *headache* Thanks
  2. When are you guys generally on? Been stuck behind the iron door in the spawn area since yesterday. Itching to get building
  3. That's an awesome name. Anyway... •In Game Name - Doktr •Location - UK •Age (18+ Only Please) - 21 •Have you read and understood everything in this post? - Not a word. (Obviously, yes) •Experience with minecraft/tekkit? - Been playing Minecraft (far too much) since beta. Been hooked on Technic for a few months now. Spent waaay too long on my most recent Technic (singleplayer) world and got bored after reaching most of the endgame EE stuff and building so many contraptions it's daft, so I'm looking for a decent multiplayer server instead of just starting afresh with a new world on my own again. •Abit more about yourself as a person - Recently unemployed so I need something to invest a LOT of my spare time in. Always willing to help and have a lot of creative ideas, but as I said, I felt they were wasted on a singleplayer world. I like the idea of playing on a local (UK) server that isn't full of 12 year old (no offense to any actual 12 year olds) and hope I can give something back to the community I've leeched from for so long. Happy crafting, Joe
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