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  1. Last thing, I'm the server admin for a small tekkit server. Now that i have my factory set up, i keep getting "SlotChanging(xx)" all throughout my console. Anyway to disable that?
  2. Aha! relay worked! Last question: I'm trying to get a sorting machine to split it's output to two different crafting tables, both using the same thing (redstone). Is there any way to get the sorting machine to split it to two different colored pipes? If i try to set redstone to two different columns/colors, it just makes it the first color and never the seconds, regardless of the mode. Currently, i'm having it split by having the crafting tables be equidistant from each other. It *sorta* works.
  3. Here's my setup for the re-batterys http://imgur.com/a/vB26S It's a retriever (connected to a act2 out of frame) connected to a retrievelator, connected to a sorting box. Retrievlator just piles up the batteries in the output box, when it should go to the sorting table and then to the crafting table
  4. Sorry for the triple post, but the ship has sailed! Finally got the machines to work and end up outputting solar panels! Still, have a problem getting timing to work, as automatic crafting tables will eventually start getting too much of one item, then it will clog and prevent other items from getting in the box and being used for crafting. I want to get the retrievletor to work, but it seems to not be compatible with IC2 items, or am i just using it wrong? Edit: And also, would love a better way to split items from a sorting machine, rather than having the reciving blocks be equidistant.
  5. yeah, the retrivulator is having trouble pulling in rubber and outputing it to an adjacent crafting table. Edit: Okay, have a new setup. Each of my input items is set up to an individual reciever + sorting machine. The sorting machine is supposed to send each item to several crafting tables that need it. But a new problem has come up. If i have my sorting machine send out redstone to 2 different colored pipes, it only tags it for one pipe. It doesn't seem to alternate as it should. Redstone is in both columns, colors are set, and pipes work. No idea why it isn't alternating between columns.
  6. Whats an input chest? Also, just trying redpower stuff right now, but having problems with drawing from more than one box via retriever+retrivulator.
  7. Hi everyone, here's my problem: I'm building a solar panel factory with teleport pipes and loads of mass fabs for all the input materials. When i set up my autocraft tables to build the parts, i get lots of problems with logistics. Mostly, as raw materials start flowing in, the crafting tables will start to get too much of one material, and blocks will start spewing out of the tubes onto the floor, slowing the server down a lot and wasting materials. Is there any way to control the flow better, and have everything run smoother? My setup is like this: UU matter from about 12 fabs goes to crafting tables to produce the prereq materials. Materials teleport to a row of chests in the factory for storage. Materials are pumped into a teleport pipe to go to my second floor, which holds all the crafting tables for solar parts. The second floor is where all the pipes are spewing stuff out when crafting tables get full of one material.
  8. Fixed it. yeah was on the wrong side. Im using sphax tekkit pack, and it made it a bit confusing which was the output.
  9. Hi i'm having problems wiring my medium voltage solar panels to my electricity system. I have 2 medium voltage solar panels attached directly to an mfe unit, which is connect with gold insulated wire to a lv-transformer. The transformer is then connected to a bat box (properly directed, of course) But the bat box doesn't recieve any power. If i remove the transformer, the bat box explodes (of course) So it seems theres something wrong with the transformer, i don't know what i'm doing wrong..
  10. Rename the Forestry Mod .rar to zForestryMod.rar So that it is loaded last. Works fine for me on 3.1.2 tekkit server. Rename BOTH the client and bukkit versions.
  11. Yeah, got 3.1.2 to work with forestry. Thanks for all the help
  12. Thank g_bone! will give it a try when i get home today.
  13. Since it's not natively included, is there any way to get it to work for personal use on a tekkit server? Tried downloading the bukkit port and client versions to their proper locations, but game ended up freezing.
  14. Does Tekkit have the electric engines? Can't seem to find em :P
  15. Well, its on an infinite water source, so it should be inf., but it glitches often and ends up draining the whole source. I'm using fuel powered combustion engines to pump. should i switch to oil?
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