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About WC_Shill

  • Birthday 09/01/1961

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  • Location
    Omaha, NE
  • Interests
  • Minecraft In-Game Name

WC_Shill's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. Bad weather, yes windy is bad too, blowing the internet around is not good.
  2. I recently in the last few minutes placed a redstone controller but it seemed to be working fine for several minutes, before the crashes started. It was running as a ten second timer, I reset it to do nothing just before the last crash, not sure if that took effect before the server went down or not. The area I am working in is not chunk loaded. I believe there were three of us online at the time Myself DragonsunX and I think CollyDee was still on.
  3. As if you didn't know my opinion already, I vote to regenerate the world and, get new mods. =) I would also like to ask for Extra Cells for the fluid handling in and through an AE system.
  4. I have volunteered for the dev server, waiting on approval and info.
  5. Username: WC_Shill Age: 53 Location: Omaha, Nebraska Have you ever been banned from any servers?: No Can you read and write English (Note, Rules are in English)?: Yes What’s Rule Number Seven?: Obey admins and mods. Summarize your MC/Tekkit Experience: I have been playing MC since before there were creepers. =) Played a lot of skyblock and a lot of modded MC. Paid for and ran a few servers here and there.
  6. What I was thinking about was something along the lines of the skyblock SMP or Island World SMP both plugins for bukkit servers.
  7. I have yet to find a forge compatible skyblock mod, does anybody know if anyone is working on this? If not Are any of you fantastic modders out there up for it?
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