7.0.1 was stable when I played it. Don't recall any issues that were serious enough to remember, but I didn't really make anything huge in my 7.0.1 world. Equivalent Exchange is included in this build along with most of the other major and standard mods of the pack but Advanced Machines (have fun crafting overclockers), Compact Solars (have fun building huge flowers, else go nuclear or geothermal), and Mo' Creatures are missing, to name a few. MAtmos is also missing.
7.1.0 is playable and stable in general (i.e. it's not going to crash every time you try to do something) but it has a few issues and more frequent crashes (although I haven't tried every feature from every mod so there may very well be a broken feature I've missed). As well, EE and Millenaire are out for now (not sure about Better Dungeons since I had that disabled when I played 7.0.1) but unlike 7.0.1 Mo' Creatures is in. If playing 7.1.0 I recommend frequent world backups and be prepared in case your huge amazing automatic crafting system or whatever else you built breaks.
Various 7.1.0 issues I have noticed:
Teleport pipes are very buggy and will often disappear, leaving you with an invisible useless pipe that drops nothing when broken. Usually happens when the chunk containing the pipe is unloaded but can happen in other cases as well. Occasionally placing a teleport pipe will screw up your whole pipe network (in my case I was using it with logistics pipes).
Going to the Nether and back doubled up my Void Interface connections (each interface took up two pages instead of one, both with the same inventory i.e. it's not a duping bug) and I believe also the teleport pipe connections (connection pipes count was double normal IIRC). This persisted between reloads.
You will probably crash if you play for a few hours straight. Triggers ranged from landing a critical hit on an Enderman with a charged Nano Saber (this won't crash it in general though) to walking up to a Thaumcraft 2 teleport seal.
7.1.0 also includes Mystcraft. If you thought the Nether was laggy, wait until you end up in a cave Age. With the default 1 GB of RAM allocation, I got 0 FPS, whether I was on Far/Fancy or Tiny/Fast (this is probably a general problem with Mystcraft and Minecraft and not Technic specifically). Make sure to increase your allocated RAM in the launcher settings. With 2 GB allocated the cave Ages became playable for me. You will need 64-bit Java. And of course, if you travel to enough dimensions in one session the game will just crash.
Alumentum doesn't work in the Arcane Furnace (very ironic since they are from the same mod) or the Steam Engine, but it does work in the vanilla Furnace, Iron Furnace, Generator, and Alloy Furnace. Coal coke doesn't work in the Arcane Furnace either (probably won't work in the Steam Engine but I haven't tried it yet). This might affect all non-Vanilla fuels, and the bug does not affect 7.0.1.
Of course, with both 7.0.1 and 7.1.0 you get the advantage of having the latest Vanilla version (1.2.5) and newer versions of some mods compared to the stable build (e.g. stable build has Thaumcraft 1 while dev build has Thaumcraft 2).
My opinion: If you want to switch to Technic 7, go with 7.0.1 if you don't mind the lack of Mo' Creatures, Compact Solars, Advanced Machines, and somewhat older versions of a few mods. Only go with 7.1.0 if you want a break from Equivalent Exchange and don't care about the other missing mods (such as Millenaire) or the bugs. I won't blame you if you cheat in a teleport pipe every time you lose one to a bug.
EDIT: Also note 7.1.0 is missing ComputerCraft.