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Everything posted by tacoriffic926

  1. Yes I can help you next time just make a post on are site it is a lot faster www.nationsmc.com
  2. There is no plugin out there that can do what you are asking. Prism would be the best one to go with it logs the most stuff.
  3. Try deleting your .technic folder
  4. Try adding this http://ic2api.player.to:8080/job/IC2_lf/
  5. Delete all the stuff in the tekkit folder and then reset the pack
  6. It is something with ModularPowersuits if resetting the pack doesn't fix it make a post here http://forums.technicpack.net/threads/modular-powersuits-support.44269/#post-366593 and lol yeah didn't see that was on my phone
  7. Time to update the mod pack to 1.5

  8. What mod pack is this?
  9. You have bad internet
  10. I would suggest MCPC+
  11. Make a appeal here http://www.nationsgaming.com/index.php?forums/bans-and-appeals.6/
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