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Posts posted by SS111

  1. I can add your pack now, however, the file codechickencore- fails to download. Log into your solder dashboard and view the Mod Versions for codechickencore. Make sure the link works for version If it does, hit the 'rehash' button.

    Alright, I still can't probably because I can't access the external IP. As long as other people can, it's fine. Thanks so much for the continued help!

  2. Verify your Solder API link on the Technic website is


    and that all of your links contain "http://" in front of them.

    Alright, I have changed the link on the website from




    even though they return the same data.

    The mirror_url and the repo url is set to


    And since I'm getting nowhere with this, here is my platform link:


    However, I would like to note that it took much longer to fetch modpack information via the launcher. But I still get the error? Can you successfully add my pack? Is my API returning the correct data? I have no clue what could be wrong at this point.

    And thanks for the help.

  3. The solder link is "<url>/index.php/api/" where <url> is where your solder install's public facing component is.

    Sorry, can you please expand on that?

    Should that be the link I use when I link Solder to my account? Because the returns the same data as ss111.solder.serverpit.com/api/

    Or should I paste that into the Launcher? Which I just tried, and I still get the same error.

    Thanks for the help.

  4. Hi all!

    EDIT 1: By the way, I set up the YAML files before I realized that the updated version didn't use them... So yeah, they are just "there"

    EDIT 2: Could this possibly be caused by the fact that I can't view my Solder setup unless I use my internal IP while my friends not on my network can?

    EDIT 3: Just tested edit 2. My friend gets the same error.

    EDIT 4: So I started looking through the launcher's code, and that message is shown if all the following conditions are met:

    • It doesn't have a mirror url
    • It doesn't start with http:// or https://

    EDIT 5: I've also noticed that in the platform data that is returned (for example, BigDig's http://www.technicpack.net/api/modpack/big-dig-pack) that the mirror_url for others has http:// in it. Mine does not. Could this be causing the issue?

    However, mine does have a mirror url. I'm really at a loss here.

    EDIT 6: Edit 5 is kind of irrelevant, huh? It shouldn't matter. It was just be thinking. Anyway, I'm at a loss here... (ping @sct)

    EDIT 7: I'm using launcher build 222, btw.

    First off, I'm aware that there is no documentation that sct doesn't want us to be using Solder. Well, I was hell-bent on trying it and go very far successfully. However, when it comes time to add the modpack to the launcher, I get the following error message:

    "Modpack has invalid Solder link. Consult modpack author."

    I have no clue what could possibly doing it. Can anyone who has experience with Solder please verify my setup?

    My modpacks folder is here: ss111.solder.serverpit.com/modpacks/

    If you need the modpack link I guess I can provide it, but it is for private use...

    I have the repo and mirror_url set to the modpacks folder. (Not the website, but local, obviously)

    Also, when importing the modpack from solder it says my background image is empty or missing, when it's obviously not. However, the mod list shows up, so I must have done something right.

    Thanks so much!

  5. Hello !

    I'm french and i'm the owner of the first french server tekkit !

    I have a cpu dual core i7 3750k 3,8Ghz for my server but the tekkit server run in one cpu !

    My hosting can apply a script for CraftBukkit but we shearch a script for tekkit, it's possible ?

    Thanks for your help.

    Sadly, neither Minecraft nor CraftBukkit are optimized for dual-core and therefore can not take advantage of the second core. (Unless I'm really really late and it has been optimized. If so, please correct me.)

  6. So basically alllllll of my players have been saying they cant craft anyhting (eg... gem picks, tanks, Everything else) so im just wondering how i fix this?



    If the items are disappearing from the spot in the crafting table where they retrieve it, then you issued a "/reload" command which breaks that. Only a server restart can fix that.

  7. hello i setup my tekkit 3.4 sever and i saw on wiki thats the jetpack fall dmg bug was fixed but it is still there is this just me?

    "UPDATE: As of version 3.0.4 of Tekkit, descending with Hover Mode, or sufficiently reducing velocity manually, will result in no fall damage being taken.) Also applies to the Electric Jetpack ." ~Tekkit Wiki

    If your using hover mode and you still take damage, I believe it's just you. If your not, when Tekkit 3.0.5 comes out it _should_ be fixed. In the meantime, make a Ring of Arcana :)

  8. !This problem only exists in SMP!

    In single player when I descend on my jetpack I do it slowly to avoid fall damage but I SMP if you fly up high you can descend super slowly but you get as much damage as if you would have jumped of your flight peak. How do I make my server recalculate fall damage if I hover down slowly.

    I hope somebody can help me with this.

    "If you go high into the air, you will take massive amounts of fall damage, even if you are going very slowly downward, like in Hover Mode. This is because of the minecraft coding itself. Fall damage is calculated by your highest height before your descent. May be fixed in the future (UPDATE: As of version 3.0.4 of Tekkit, descending with Hover Mode, or sufficiently reducing velocity manually, will result in no fall damage being taken.) Also applies to the Electric Jetpack ." ~Tekkit Wiki

  9. Chunk loaders from any mod be it Railcrafts World Anchors, Additional Pipes Teleport Tethers, or even a Bukkit plugin that loads chunks to make plants grow when you're not around, are all non functional in this version of Tekkit (3.0.3).

    This is extremely problematic as it severely limits what can be done with teleport pipes since if you're not in attendance at both ends they stop functioning. It also causes several items like quarries and the like to cease functioning when you're not around.

    Hopefully someone knows what is causing this and how I can fix it! Thanks.

    They work fine for me, as do the teleport pipes. Do you have the default Tekkit with no other mods, plugins, etc? They don't work between the Nether and Overworld, though. (I wanted infinite power, so I attempted to pump lava from the Nether into geothermal generators in the Overworld. Was kind of sad when it didn't work.)

  10. Introduction

    Alright, I don't know about everyone else out there, but I REALLY don't like creepers. And in Tekkit, one blowing up by my machines is a HUGE pain to fix. Imagine one blowing up a nuclear reactor, if for whatever reason you had it out in the open. So I created a small little patch to turn all creepers into Charlie!

    Another reason I made this is because Bukkit plugins don't always play nice with Tekkit (Or at least I don't think some do; I could be wrong. Correct me.) They may have security vulnerabilities or just plain out don't work. Also, other plugins usually have extra features which either doesn't play nice with Tekkit or is unnecessary.

    Sure, there may be plugins out there that do EXACTLY this and play nice, but I created this standalone patch anyway.

    P.S. I have no clue if this is worthy of going into the patches/fixes sticky :P

    What it does

    Creepers will still act as normal. They see you, they chase you, etc. This modifies the "F_()" method inside the "EntityCreeper.class" file so that instead of exploding, they still hiss like normal but then swell to the max size. And sit there. And do nothing. But follow you around. From there you can kill it or cage it; that's your choice. I have created two patches: One, where they still drop gunpowder, or two, where they don't drop any items. (This will make it impossible to get music disks. However, they still drop EXP, I haven't figured out how to change that yet.)

    Installation and download

    NOTE: You ONLY need to patch the SERVER; Read on for the instructions!

    Patch (With drops) - http://bit.ly/NvRpLK

    Patch (Without drops) - http://bit.ly/M7rpdB


    1.) Locate your Tekkit server JAR file.

    2.) Stop your server, if it's running.

    3.) Open the server JAR with 7-Zip, WinRAR, or WinZip (I like 7-Zip the best)

    4.) Open "net/minecraft/server"

    5.) Open the downloaded patch with the same zipping utility.

    6.) Copy and replace the "EntityCreeper.class" file from the download to the JAR.

    7.) Done! Start your server to verify that it works.


    If there is any bugs, you like my patch, or just something new you want to see, post a comment. Constructive criticism is welcomed.

    A question to Java developers

    NOTE: To users without Java knowledge, ignore this.

    I can't recompile the Tekkit jar without errors, maybe it's my decompiler that screws up the code, but who knows. Is it possible that if I know the exact text and line number, to use a hex editor to delete the line from the Java bytecode? Or is there a way to force compile a ".java" file? Thanks.

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