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Everything posted by Treewalker

  1. Your In Game Name: Treewalker Your Age: 25 How often are you planning on playing: Evenings through the week, EST. couple times a week as schedule allows. For experienced players, the structure you are most proud of building: Built a floating island civilization that was fully self contained and had everything on it in one secure place. For new players, what are you hoping to achieve on Verve: I want to learn some of the other sides of tekkit I havent touched, railcraft, sorting machines, red power, etc/ For everyone, why do you think Verve is the server for you: "Freedcom, fun, friendly, player controlled" (can quote me on that). The community aspect is what really draws me in though. Additional Comments: I have played for close to 2 years or more, experience playing as well as running tekkit private and non tekkit public servers.
  2. I'm not even whitelisted so I have no opinion on the map wipe as its not within my judgement. However I just wanted to comment back on what V00doocat said in the last post "When the new faces arrive slowly you can see they fall in line with how the community runs and they fit in well. " Despite my obvious whitelist app I do agree with them here. I ran into the exact same problem when I was running citycraft normal minecraft server a year or so ago. We started bringing people in fast and things quickly got out of hand as it sounds may have occured here. There is a fine line between security and madness.
  3. ks7 - I understand your currently having some issues, I understand any delays associated to this request. In game name Treewalker Age 25 Location Pennsylvania, USA Minecraft experience to date I have played for close to 2-3 years now, and I have ran normal minecraft and tekkit server both public and private, mostly semi private because of the nature of most players. I have experience both server side as well as client side and have maintained and ran my past ventures as well as a few situations where I had Op to help support other owners. Why do you want to play on our server? (give me a little detail, 'it looks cool' probably won't be enough to get you whitelisted. I'm looking for more than just a single line.) Honestly the part that has me most interested is the fact that you still want to maintain that small friendly helpful environment you had but just get more players involved since not as many people have been on. I love that if it can work because its hard to balance out the idiots, but having a full time career I just want to be able to get on have fun, bullshit and not have to worry about someone ruining everything while i'm gone and I think I can find that here.
  4. Name: Treewalker Age: 25 Do you wish to join Anyon (starting town): I'm not sure, I think I would like to gather some resources and develop on my own before I join anyone. Have you played IC2 or buildcraft? Yes, I have also ran a server for myself and friends on them. what is the purpose of a macerator? A macerator is one of your first machines that lets you with power, take your ore into dust, then that dust into bars effectively duplicating your yield. Recommendations(if you been invited): Others things i should know: EST time zone, not on an incredible amount, but I play various times throughout the week, mostly evenings.
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