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Posts posted by UltimateGodLike

  1. Age


    Why do I want to play in this server?

    I'm looking foward to join a good and professional tekkit server which consist of good and helpful community and this server seems to have most of it ( if not all ) ^_^

    What i want to build?

    A huge base & hidden storage which is cool and impressive !!!

    Is there anything i would add?

    not much actually, looking foward to join as soon as possible =D

  2. Official Announcement - UltimateGoDLikE Step Down From Being An Owner Of Heaven Touch Tekkit Lite Server.

    Your new server owner will be adrianTRAPMASTER. The reason i step down is because my collage burden is increasing day by day as my exam are getting nearer and nearer. Im really tired to fixing the server everyday and maintaining it is a pain in the ass.

    I hereby thank every admin and moderator that invest lots of time in this server and make it a real great server. I would also like to thank every donator that contribute to our server to make it really fun and enjoyable. Without you guys heaven touch will not be what it is now.

    Lastly i believe your new owner will do better than me and i wish everyone all the best in the future.

    Thanks =D.

  3. server isnt laggy :P restart the server and it goes back to 20 tps ... also i do care your to anel thoe XD any my players love my server :D and i can fix /f admin in 3 seconds cause i can program in java and have fixed many issues in factions ... like you cant raid almost at all all items are protected in my server it's prittymuch un grriefable :D

    owner who speak like that is just hopeless. That's why his community is simply hopeless too.

  4. Amazing! The server has been nuked. I Lost all my ores!

    And, You was giving free canvas bags to pickup stuff for the next map (Because, your server dont have a single actual backup!)

    You gave us 1 HOUR before the map reset.

    1 Hour is not enough! I used to have 2 Stacks of Reinforced Stone, My brother was mining the stone, and, I was picking up the canvas bags (Throwing the empty away and keeping the filled with items)

    Alot of people said to you give us more 5 minutes, But, you reseted the map! (I dont picked all the canvas bags with items)

    My Friend lost all his stuff, my another one, lost his quarry.


    Because a member of your staff said /nuke in the console, And your server dont have a backup plugin.

    Amazing. Really.

    (Bad English, sorry)

    I’m not going to tell you how to run your server. But please listen, as it is right now griefing is a huge issue. If I were to make a mining laser I could destroy pretty much everything people have built in a few seconds. This item NEEDS to be banned. Also creeper explosions need to be turned off, it’s really simple for someone to pull a creeper into someones house and let it explode causing players to lose both machines and valuable items that they might have stored in their house.

    Your current “land protection” plugin is really bad since you have to type /chunk add (playername) for EVERY chunk you claim. This can get very annoying if you claimed all 6 chunks. I would suggest you get something like residence. Also the limit for how much a player can claim should be increased so those who like to build more grand builds can protect their stuff. You could for example make it so that more time played = ability to claim more blocks

    Lastly your mods needs to wake up, there is a ton of claimed land right next to spawn that what seems to be inactive players have claimed. It’s very annoying running through this getting your chat spammed by “this area is claimed by player x”

    Your server have great potential but it needs to be taken care of by people who wish the server well. Most of the mods seems to be busy building their own houses rather than fixing the issues they should be dealing with.

    This server sucks, Chunk protection dont work, TNT is enabled.

    A Stupid guy in this server griefed my house using a TNT Cannon (I got the video, its on youtube) and, i lost alot of stuff!

    And later, i take the revenge, I attacked his house with some TNT (I dont got any stuff for him) and, The Stupid ADMIN, Cody, Banned me and gave all my stuff to the Stupid guy.



    Its the baddest server created.

    Alot of LAG too. Chunk protection dont work -.-

    Yes, well a four year old would be able to spell griefing..... Id also like to point out i joined the server and it isn't all that good

    1: Iron golems at spawn, making it so players don't have to go mining for iron.

    2: Stuiped staff i don't think they even know the rules them selves

    3: The 1 problem of the server there is NO banned items list and i even asked a moderator and he said " Idk"

    I look around spawn for 10 mins and look back on this page and even looked for the server website. There's no banned items list

    I give this server 3/10

    Yes, 3 still too much.

    I dont know the point of having /nuke enabled in the server.

    I lost my stuff 3 Times, all because of STAFF/TNT

    1 - STAFF said: /nuke. entire server destroyed, alot of stuff lost for everyone.

    2 - A Angry stupid guy griefing my house with TNT

    3 - STAFF destroying my chests in my house.

    And yes, the staff here is useless, Everything you ask, they say: "idk, search in google"

    Your server has a lot of potential but in it's current state it is overran with griefers and hackers getting around your faction protected areas. The mods on your server are pretty much

    non existent. They only play the game and let your server get out of hand. You're better off without the mods. They give a false impression when spamming , griefing, hacking, etc, take place.

    A few mods themselves take advantage of their powers and steal things out of personal safes.

    It's a shame because it was a total opposite when your classic server was running. That server was amazing. This lite server is the polar opposite. Good luck. I know you work hard to try and make it

    an ok experience for everyone but you can't do it by yourself. You really need to hire some staff members and not just any average Joe because they donated money in the past or that you thought was cool.

    Good Luck in the future.

    terrible server. hostile staff. tell you they wont help you, and they dont care what it is. if you even ask a question (like i did) they came to me dug the ground under my feet until i fell through the world into the void. and before that they spawned over 5000 cows to lag my game. i wish i was makeing this up worst staff i have ever seen in any server.


    hi nighttimegaming, i just wanna say there's this guy on here that is "super-mod". His name is Ziefly. He's trolling everyone, and disrespecting a few of people on the server. I was just wondering if you could take away his super-mod, that would be great! I don't know if this is where you report players, but i hope you'll listen to me. No Ziefly = More fun

    Hey Nighttimegaming. I was just banned from your server by an ignorant and lazy moderator. His name is oozingblood.

    I am Denuntiator and I an the leader of the Scotland faction on the server, and someone joined us, then stole all our gems and machines. We promtly contacted the mod, who said "give back their stuff tate" a few times then gave up. I continued to query the mod, oozingblood about it and got increasingly more near spamming as he would not respond until I was screaming in his /msg , he was playing with freinds. He then yelled at me and banned tate then dropped everything to go back to his freinds. We wanted our stuff back to I queried him about giving us everything in tates inventory because it was rightfully ours. after having to scream that, he responded fustatedly that he can't. When I continued to ask about then giving me a note to give to an admin so that I could get our stuff from them, he said the admins were just donators and wouldn't do anything. I told him to write it anyways because I could give it to you, and he requested I ask nicely. Given it had taken so long to just get this far I told him he should do it because he was selected to do the job of moderating. He then banned me. Can you please un-ban me.

    I also suggest demoting Oozingblood because he seems to incompetent to be a Moderator

    By the way, everything can be seen in the chat logs. It is currently 1:40 Pm EST and these events happened just before I came to write this.

    -Thank You very much, Denuntiator

    All above are the complaints on the server and most of them the owner just said they're a kid and his admin is not abusing. I even witnessed afew. Owh his another mod miztar got promoted to admin for just fixing spawn a littlebit. =D what a good reason to promote. And people who solve things and help out get demoted and mute ^_^. Donate for admin and you can legally abuse player and admin !! LOL

  5. server isnt laggy :P restart the server and it goes back to 20 tps ... also i do care your to anel thoe XD any my players love my server :D and i can fix /f admin in 3 seconds cause i can program in java and have fixed many issues in factions ... like you cant raid almost at all all items are protected in my server it's prittymuch un grriefable :D

    Guys look page 1 - 5 then you'll know who is lying =P. Admin abusing and owner just say all player who complaint is a kid and doesn't bother to do anything. Just join and see for yourself =). Wanna be mod? make cody happy or make sure you're a girl who can seduce him, you dont need to be capable and responsible, Mod and admin's job is to please the owner. Admin who really contribute get demoted by owner because he never care to please the owner and always speak the truth. Admin and mods who abuse player, spam all caps and vulgar, ignoring player who need help is acceptable. I love how things go on in this way =P.

  6. I officially resign as admin from this server. The owner is not being rational and admin backstabbing each other, server is laggy but owner say he doesn't care, fixing /f admin take years, grief happen on a daily basis, raiding never stop for a day. There's problem from the owner to the player base. Everything is a huge mess. Owner doesn't care about the server and the player. Move on and find a better one.

    He never feel bad for believing in some accusation and yell at someone who contribute to his server. To him anything related to the server is not important, what matter the most is his mood. When he's happy he simply make player mod.

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