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Everything posted by Distortion27

  1. IGN: Distortion27 AGE: 21 HAVE YOU EVER BEEN KICKED / BANNED FROM A SERVER AND WHY?: No WHY DO YOU LIKE TEKKIT?: There is much more to do in tekkit than in vanilla Minecraft. Tekkit allows for more creative and intuitive builds with endless possibilites. WHAT CAN YOU BRING TO THE COMMUNITY?" I have played tekkit for almost 7 months now and I am quite knowledgeable of its mods such as Redpower, Industrialcraft, Equivalent Exchange, etc. Being so experienced with the modpack I feel it is my responsibility to help other players whenever I can. If another player is in need of help I will always try to help them if I am able. I am a friendly and kind person and always treat other players with respect.
  2. Minecraft Name: Distortion27 Do you have any bans on record?: No If so, Why?
  3. In game name: Distortion27 Age:21 Time playing Tekkit:About 5 months Have you been banned: (dont lie we will find out) No Why would you like to play on this server: Played on the server before the crash and am a newby again. Also know a lot of people here
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