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Everything posted by JamsGamingGuff

  1. Hello, Server is back to normal - was only a minor fault but all is now sorted. We'll be checking through all your apps, but in the meantime, keep them coming!
  2. Afternoon all! Jam here - semi-admin and general dogsbody for the server, I help to run and maintain it! Please keep your applications coming in, we've got a great community going and we really want to share it with you and expand the server. If we get enough active people we might get the factions plugins if players would like it. As John has already said, he had a tidy up on the server last night so its all ready for new arrivals. So far, the people who have joined the server from this forum have been really great fun to hang around with - if you want to come and join us leave an app, doesn't have to be anything fancy so long as it answers the questions John set out. Good luck! :)
  3. Hello everyone, From the first batch of people who we have chosen, we have removed those who have not been active/not been on at all to free up space. We will be looking through the rest of your applications over the next few days so keep an eye out as we may pick you. Thanks, Jam (from the server)
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