So, I used to play Tekkit with a friend of mine while renting a small 2gb server for us to play on.
Back then, there was only 1 version of Tekkit I think, must have been with MC 1.2.5 or something close.
Now we wanted to start again and we noticed 3 versions (Tekkit, Lite and Classic).
I just installed the newest version and we started playing, but we find it too confusing. All kinds of good old things (battery's, transmution, ...) are gone. I have no idea why, probably has a good reason behind it though. My question would be, is it possible to add the mods that provided those things manually on the server + in our launchers?
Or should we use MCedit to swap our house etc to a new Tekkit Classic/Lite map and start over like that?
My final question is: Classic or Lite? Which is the one I used to play or what are the big differences between them.
I hope someone would be so kind to take their time and help us with this!
The new tekkit is just way too confusing for us