Title: Invalid player name detected, please help. Will use good grammar and syntax.
Version: 2.1.1
OS: windows 7
Java Version: 64 bit
Description of Problem:
The computer hosting the computer, and another computer in the same house area able to login to the server; however, a friend tried to join but, was given the error of invalid player name detected. I looked for a fix to the error for a few days and i gave up and resorted to asking for help. i tried trouble shooting by adding his name to the whitelist. i also tried to see if it was a problem with his name, i was able to use his username and password to login to the server and i was successful, i then proceeded to ask him to try to log in again and he got the same error. I really need help, i am willing to be cooperative, use correct grammar and use syntax, to give you faith in the human race. please help me solve this issue.
Error Messages:
Invalid player name detected
Error Log: