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Everything posted by CroixAura

  1. The server is saying that i've not been whitelisted yet.
  2. In-Game Name: CroixAura Age: 21 Experience with Tekkit: two months Did you read the rules? I have multiple times and I completely agree with them. I'm hoping to continue with my home, this server has been the best I've joined and I would very much like to continue being part of it. do i need to include this? http://whitelist.mcf.li/check/result/d76e6e501b8ca080b39bb83339f6d1bbb1385b6f
  3. do I need to register to play on the server?
  4. not java, i mean tekkit lol And thank you now i just need to figure out how to do a skin...
  5. Thank you for the link Techpriest, I am indeed running a windows vista 64. From what you said Torezu then I go with the windows x 64 correct? I've never done a mod like this before so I'm rather new, thank you for putting up with me.
  6. alright i got 64bit so go with the windows x 64?
  7. Clicking on the java download link provided sends me to Oracle Java Runtime. Once there it says agree which I do but then it gives me options. This is where I get confused, do I get the - Windows x 86 Online Windows x 86 Offline or Windows x 64 Any help would be most appreciated.
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