In-Game Name: CroixAura
Age: 21
Experience with Tekkit: two months
Did you read the rules? I have multiple times and I completely agree with them.
I'm hoping to continue with my home, this server has been the best I've joined and I would very much like to continue being part of it.
do i need to include this?
Thank you for the link Techpriest, I am indeed running a windows vista 64. From what you said Torezu then I go with the windows x 64 correct? I've never done a mod like this before so I'm rather new, thank you for putting up with me.
Clicking on the java download link provided sends me to Oracle Java Runtime. Once there it says agree which I do but then it gives me options. This is where I get confused, do I get the -
Windows x 86 Online
Windows x 86 Offline
Windows x 64
Any help would be most appreciated.