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Everything posted by BaileyJay

  1. Very sorry about the wait. The connection couldn't handle more people, but we got fibre installed yesterday. So now I'm able to hold way more people.
  2. You'll be fine. Should not have no problems at all with 3 clients
  3. If you're using pex add this: choptree.chop
  4. Doesn't it tickle your fancy? 1.4 Please, I'll give you a bj. http://www.computercraft.info/
  5. Added! SERVER UPDATED TO 3.1.2 WHITELIST AT: http://mcraftworlds.net/signup.php
  6. All of you added. If a mod would kindly move this post to whitelisted section for now. That'll be splendid
  7. Added all of you Guys. Good news. Verizon is coming out putting In 35/35 Dedicated Fibre line In tomorrow. I'm hoping Saturday we will back to normal. My goal Is to provide a server that has nothing banned I've wrote some misc scripts that will stop griefing with certain items.. Thanks everyone
  8. Also, tomorrow ( Friday ) having business connecting up from 18/2 to 25/25. was choking at 1.9mb yesterday upload. I'm really motivated to provide a really nice server, it's going to take some time. Trial and error process. But I promise this, server will not be shut down permanently. Thanks for playing on my server guys
  9. Moving over to the new server! Will be up in 10 mins! Map will be saved and nothing changed. Server will stop lag issues! Old server spec's i7 860 8Gb ram 2TB Sata ll New server spec's x2 Xeon Quad Core 3Ghz 16Gb Ram x8 146GB 15k SAS drives
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