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Everything posted by Madlark

  1. Okay, let me describe the situation again. My old world comes from a 3.1.2 server. I copy it to my new 3.1.2 server - everything is fine. I copy it to my new 3.1.3 server - I get a "Cannot reach server" message on server select screen. I update the client according to the server version (eg, connect to 3.1.2 with a 3.1.2 and to 3.1.3 with 3.1.3). 3.1.3 generates new worlds without a hitch and I can connect to those without any problems whatsoever. So obviously there's something wrong with the world I'm trying to copy. Any ideas what?
  2. Hi again and thank you for your replies. Oddly enough, it turns out the problem was that the old server was running version 3.1.2, and mine was 3.1.3. I rolled back to 3.1.2 and everything worked just fine. Now, while it did solve my problem I really don't want to be stuck with 3.1.2 forever, so does anyone have any ideas how I could fix this? I think I've seen a post somewhere which said that this has something to do with Railcraft or some other mod and some files have to be deleted/edited, but I'm having trouble locating that post again. Once again, thank you in advance!
  3. Hi everyone! This is obviously a very noob question, but I'm really bad at these things, apparently. Basically, which folders should I copy to move my Tekkit world from one server to another? I thought world, world_nether and world_the_end should do it, but now I get a "cannot reach server" message when I try to connect to the new server. Anything I should change in the server config? To get the obvious out of the way: 1. Yes, it's Tekkit to Tekkit, SMP to SMP. Nothing fancy, I just want to change the server. 2. The new server is hosted by Fluctis, no idea where the old one was (wasn't hosted by me). Thanks in advance!
  4. I think he meant your HV-cable trap, not the zapper upgrade. Any idea where to look for the plugins? :)
  5. Also, can someone please explain to me how the gravel trick works? Can't seem to find it anywhere. EDIT: Nevermind, got it. Erase this comment ^_^
  6. No it doesn't. Just tested to make sure =)
  7. The teleporter idea is nice in principle, but I doubt it' viable for the 128x128 square forcefield around my village =) I'm going to test the hidden wire concept now, though. Unless I'm mistaken, you can also put wire on the forcefield itself, so in theory I could just have a 1 thick field camouflaged as anything solid, and the trap will still work as a charm. Off to the testing area! EDIT: Yes, the "HV-wire-on-the-inside" trap works great. So much for EE armours. Now to find a wayt to deal with Quantum and those goddamn Destruction Catalysts =) EDIT 2: The teleporter idea DOES work, too. Better than the HV wire in fact, since it gets rid of intruders regardless of their armour. It does have its drawbacks though. First of all, the destination teleport pad will be unprotected, and can be destroyed by the intruders after they get teleported to it, which will break the link and turn the rest of the pads off. Now, I DID find an amusing way of dealing with this, but it's not perfect either: I attached levers to both the origin and destination teleporters and left them on, creating an endless loop, so any intruders will be kicked from the server in a fraction of second for "Moving too fast (hacks?)". While deviously ironic in itself, the system does fave a fatal flaw: the power drain is absolutely tremendous, and the intruder will obviously try to log in again, get stuck in the loop again and get kicked again. A couple of re-logs, and a fully-loaded MFSU will be sucked dry, and the enemy will either destroy the destination pad or (which is worse) will end up on the origin pad, inside the forcefield. So this one's a no-go either.
  8. Hi again! Are there any blocks which prevent Destruction Catalyst from destroying other blocks behind them? I know it can't destroy Reinforced Stone and Obsidian, but are there any blocks that can actually serve as a shield for the ones behind them? Thanks in advance!
  9. *** http://pixelhero.bandcamp.com/ *** http://w-o-m-b.bandcamp.com/ *** http://meld.bandcamp.com/ ***

  10. Oh. My. God. When I first asked the question I never expected to get so much cool info. Thanks everyone! But as I already said, as long as you're wearing Red Matter or Quantum armour (and have a Body Gem activated), it doesn't matter how thick the forcefield is, the Ender Pearl trick still works. So apparently there is no real solution yet. The idea is awesome, but as far as I can see from the above replies there is no such thing as an impenetrable forcefield unless it's up in the sky. Which kinda brings us back to square one.
  11. They are doing this: The video shows the trick with a spherical forcefield, but it works with square ones as well. Basically, if you're wearing Red Matter/Quantum armor you are immune to most types of damage (and the Body Stone heals you), so you can throw a bunch of Ender Pearls at any solid surface, get teleported into it, and get out on the other side. And yes, it works from the sides, from above/below etc. Position doesn't matter, and neither does the wall's thickness.
  12. Hi everyone! I'm just wondering, is there a way to prevent players from using Ender Pearls to teleport inside forcefields on Tekkit SMP? This bug/feature makes them pretty much useless, especially on endgame servers where all you have to do to get Ender Pearls is to click an icon on the Transmutation Tablet =/ Thanks in advance!
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