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About Scios

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

Scios's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. IGN: Scios Age: 16 Timezone: Eastern (North America) MInecraft: Year and a half, been playing technic since beta 1.8 Mod/Admin Experience: Admin on small (24 player server), Mod on a mid (48) Both now closed Time: Depends, weekends 4-6 hours. Weekdays, 2 max. Contribuitions: I am good with logistics, also am good at building power plants and setting up local governments. Info: I like playing with power: big set ups, complicated, any mistakes and KABOOM. Routing that power into factories is also fun. Oh, and i enjoy romantic strolls down the beach. Programming: Can't even do python
  2. Re: ۞ TekkitCraft ۞ [100 SLOT] [PvP/PvE] [Multiverse] [Protection] [Economy] [ IGN: Scios Age 15 Other servers played? Black Rock, just closed. I have experience with most of the plugins.
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