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Everything posted by delrod3

  1. btw link the gamer and others still working :)
  2. The thing that made me think of this fix is that what is it got the directory wrong and thought it was in regular program files. so simple move java into reg program files that shouldnt mess things up if its just a file. all other programs that use java also can get java in whichever program files it was specified to go to. just a thought. im not a genius, but it takes some common sense.
  3. Re: [24/7][2.1.1][Quantum Gaming Tekkit Server][42 slots][Whitelist] IGN: melexand Have you ever been banned:Yes, by admin abuse. Said i was x-raying but he saw my strip mine and he just doesn't like me. :/ What do you plan to do on the server: I plan to go far out so i don't get griefed and play with some friends. What is your experience level with Tekkit? I've played it before i know some basics but never got really deep into it. i hope to on this server. btw can you whitelist my friends they like to play tekkit and they don't grief. They're names are: Tallesguy67 alfie1216
  4. srry but it worked for me i dont like the hateful comments i spent a long time trying to find the answer and i should be allowed near a computer because i just fixed my own problem. link the gamer put it in a very politeful way as in for destructive critisisism ( I dont know how to spell, sue me.) but if you dont like the way i do things then leave it to yourself. By the way Linkthegamer its still working i have java in both the x86 and nomal program files. :)
  5. FOUND FIX* Ok wat u need to do if u are on windows 7 is go to computer/programfilesx86 and copy the java folder and then go into computer/progrm files and paste it
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