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About hotrodtrevor

  • Birthday 04/03/1996

hotrodtrevor's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. IGN:hotrodtrevor Have you ever been banned from a server:i was banned from one because me and the owner didnt see eye to eye What will you do on the server:tekkit stuff What do are admins going to look for when you join:an amazing player that knows everything and can help anyone with whatever they are doing. also i am a good builder and can and will build anything that is requested Why should you join Equestria's Minecraft server:i stoped playing tekkit for a little bit and ended up getting back into it and would like to have a place to do all of tekkiting stuff in again
  2. can i please be unbanned i was banned for saying ftw on the server chat could i please be unbanned. i was banned over 6 months ago and i hav machured alot more and would be very greatfull for being unbanned please let me know i wanna continue tekkiting on the server my ign is hotrodtrevor
  3. Minecraft Username:hotrodtrevor Have you ever been banned, if so, why?:once because of the owner and i not seeing eye to eye. What do you plan to do on the server:build lots of tekkit sturff Do you have any previous experience with tekkit? If so, what?:i have owned 3 servers and have been mod on 2 others. i have experiance with every mod and cna do most anything on all of them
  4. can i be unbanned please i havent been able to find a server as good as this one and i would really like to rejoin the ethereal comm unity
  5. hey u guys i would really like to get my ban appealed i really like ethereal i wanna play on it more i cant even find another server please let me back on.
  6. cmuff can i please be inbanned i like the server and i cant find any that are any good

  7. okay can u guys even see my posts???
  8. can someone please tell me if i am perma banned or if it is temperary and if perm can i please be unbanned and if its temperary can i please bve told how long. i like the server and i really wanna continue my work.
  9. cmuff can u at least acknowledge my existence i would really like to be unbanned
  10. can i please be unbanned u guys im sorry i was being a butt. please let me back on
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