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Everything posted by Darkktanana101

  1. Ingame name:Darkkatana101 How long you have played mc/b-team:2 and a half years MC/ I've been playing AoTB for about 3/4 of a year How often you play mc/b-team: Quite often I would say. Maybe 2 hours a day 5 days a week Age:13 Other information:I am not one who rages automatically at dying. I am also more mature than others might be, and am willing to lend a helping hand to those in need. I am also quite a good builder, and like to be a bit isolated from most people so I am not interrupted, though the occasional visitor is okay.
  2. I would like to join IGN: Darkkatana101 I look forward to playing!
  3. I think that it doesnt use as much energy each tier
  4. just wondering wat version is the server? 1.1.3? 1.0.11? plz tell meh! EDIT: wait im retarded XD
  5. ya i made it 1.1.3 a while ago when jon pmed me and i now have loads of stuff coming out of my bum! btw like my new pic?
  6. MC Account Name: Darkkatana101 How long have you been playing Minecraft? Since alpha How long have you been playing Voltz/Universal Electricity? Eh, say half a year? What would you say your skill/knowledge level is in Voltz? (beginner, fair, adept, etc) Fair to adept because I know how to make a fusion reactor and a fission one and am familiar with about half of the mods in voltz. Why do you want to play on the server? Because I hate it when people break inside of your house and break your chests and steal everything THEN blow it up,but with this server you cant do that What do you think you'd like to do if you are accepted? I would Probably make a town and some reactors to power the peoples machinery then an underground bunker in case of nuclear war
  7. I cant join because it says i am missing certain mods. How can i fix this? Plz help
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