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About Subzerofox

  • Birthday 03/02/1994

Subzerofox's Achievements


Grass (2/9)



  1. anyone have any idea my tekkit launcher crashes when i try to log into the server?
  2. i third the motion, i think we can still have this server is more precautions are made. The amount of security measures needed for a tekkit server is ridiculous, sad but true.
  3. this server is amazing, absolutely love it. amazing admin team, good help in game, just epic. great community too, keep up the good work!
  4. if you guys need help, you can pass me the ID config files and ill change them for you, im pretty good at that..
  5. mycraft.. so many items are banned because the banned items can cause not only a lot of server greif, but a lot of server lag, and an imbalanced economy. Sixteen condensors working at a time can cause some serious lag issues, and a very rich character with no work. theres other ways to have fun with tekkit than EE2. the server works better this way anyway, ive seen it before EE was banned, it was a mess.
  6. I am posting this for a ban appeal.. I personall think i did nothing wrong, but i did offend someone and their intelligence. I'm not sure how to post a ban appeal, i dont think a fomrat was given, i looked. if this isnt right, ill correct it. please hear me out. there is no server at all like this, hard to even consider other servers ive looked at regards, subzerofox
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