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About wildebeast50

  • Birthday 03/27/1990

wildebeast50's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. There are already too many Technic let's plays out there, but as I felt like recording Technic pack stuff, I recorded Technic pack stuff... My Technic series is mainly a gateway for my recording of other games I also want to play and record. This forum post, on the other hand, is more for feedback on the videos themselves. The series will probably begin to phase out in the future, however, as I begin to focus on other games. Anyway, the first eight episodes were extremely messed up and I'm almost not sure why I posted them...but, if you want to see just how unwatchable they are, here's the link to ep. 1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fINVHds7ZZ4 The better episodes start with episode 9 ( ) which is the start of a three part adventure in search of a cave that actually has iron in it... Another highlight is episode 13 ( ) when I actually begin using some Technic items and something terrible happens... Be sure to leave your thoughts, ideas and feedback, Thanks for your time.
  2. I have all of the pre-reqs and am always open to what the group wants to do. I hope this works out, I've had too many dead-ends with this group Lp stuff. Username: Wildebeast50 Age: 16 Skype: Wildebeast50 LP Exp: I have done one complete map Lp, am in the process with my technic lp and will be starting more soon. Tekkit Exp: some, I won't claim to be a pro but I don't need babysitting.
  3. 1. Nic 2. wildebeast50 3. 16 4. of course 5. yes, I have 22 videos now with about 5 more already recorded. 6. But of course :3
  4. lol I think its funny that no one ever posts 'closed' on let's play forums...
  5. Sounds like a great opportunity. I would love to be in a group lp that actually happens... I am 16 Skype: wildebeast50 Steam: wildebeast50 Ign: wildebeast50 Disclaimer: I do not claim to or have extensive knowledge of tekkit, I will know my way around for the early to mid-game but will be using the recipe mode in nei and the wiki a lot. I will now prove to you my sense of humor...thank you, I'll be here all week. Do you want to be added or should I wait for a request on Skype? Ps: I would like to post this on my own channel plox. PPS: I know I spelled wildebeest wrong, it is intentional.
  6. IGN:wildebeast50 age:16 time zone:PST Skype: wildebeast50 is this still alive? there are some new posts but it looks to be from about three months ago...
  7. Yes well i was dumb and didn't back my saves up...:P
  8. Yeah me too but it just created a shallow lake where my house used to be...and I didn't get a dialogue box either. I am also on a Mac and I'm really pissed off because I didn't even know that you should or could include world saves in backups. I'm guessing because of this I cant ever get my world back and that makes me sad :(
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