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About golem000

  • Birthday 01/01/1900

golem000's Achievements


Dirt (1/9)



  1. Whitelist application: *Who are you? My IGN is golem000. *Where are you from? I was born in Texas, but I have been living in Minnesota for 18 years now. *How old are you? I am 28, turning 29 in March. *Why do you want to play on our server? I am seeking a mature(ish), but fun group to play with. *What do you think you can offer our server? I am an intelligent, team oriented individual with a love of crafting and providing gear for others. In particular, I love the Tinkers Construct mod, and would focus a lot of effort there, providing tools and gear to those that want them. I also have been getting into Galacticraft, so I would be working on that as well. *Who was your favorite power ranger? Zach, the Black Ranger for sure. He was sassy, bad-ass, and he used a freaking waraxe as his Ranger weapon!
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