Sorry, I'm not sure what the other ops are doing right now, I had hoped they would help with the whitelisting. We DO have to re-whitelist manually, as far as I know. Unfortunately, I personally am moving back to college this weekend and so I've been really busy wrapping up my work and packing these days. I'll probably be back in full swing in terms of whitelisting by the middle of next week.
I'm really sorry about how long this delay has been- I had really hoped Bewood would return this week so that we could get this all fixed before school started for me, but I haven't heard anything from him. Unfortunately, unless Bewood comes back soon or the other OPs communicate with me that they want to take up more responsibilities, I'm definitely not going to be able to whitelist everyone quickly or maybe even run the server smoothly because I'll be so busy with college. If you're joining the server, I felt you should know this beforehand.
If Bewood comes back, I will let you all know immediately, but until then, please direct questions towards the OPs (renmnx, xtrasyn, chiliin45). We will try to help as much as we can.