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Everything posted by Morngath

  1. well, I got home from work today and started up my technic launcher - not really paying attention, I opened up my long running and beloved Technic world - only to see this message as my beloved tech-minecraftia loads in --- for the last time --- "upgrading to Anvil, this may take a while " when my game loads in -- disaster. ruin. destruction. my vast marble block wizard tower is gone. the 4 obsidian pillars with a pedestal that I built the tower around -- gone. torches hang in mid air everywhere. every technic item I've built - gone. just --- gone. I notice there is a back up file - I extract it back undo the technic file in the technic launcher -- no change. my technic world is just --- gone. um. k. anyone...anyone at all...just ANY ONE at all -- any ideas? you tell me. time to restart from scratch, or is there a way to save --- my technic world? I thank you if you take the time to read my noob comment and/or whine, and respond with even the slightest pity or sympathy. I'm an oldster who loves minecraft - and am a computer novice, at best.
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